Unusual facial perforation by less lethal munition: Case report





Orbit; Head Injuries; Rubber bullet.


Rubber bullets are considered “non-lethal weapons”, however, when they reach the facial region they can leave serious sequelae or even cause death. Such projectiles can reach the facial region, causing bone destruction, neurological and vascular damage, as well as, favoring the development of diseases. The present study aims to report a case of a 32-year-old male patient affected by a rubber bullet-compatible projectile at the time of a police dispersion. The patient attended the emergency service of the Instituto Doutor José Frota - CE, reinforced eyelid ptosis, ecchymosis and periorbital edema of both eyes, being evidenced in the left eye and a cut-contusion wound in the medial corner of the orbit. In the preoperative computed tomography, it was observed: foreign body housed in the blood base - inside the sphenoid sinus. The diagnosis and treatment decision was made by a multidisciplinary team. The patient was submitted to a surgical center under general anesthesia to remove the projectile and use LPR-F. The patient progresses with 03 (three) months of postoperative follow-up, with no signs of infection or outflow of CSF fistula. A search was performed in the literature for articles published in the years between 1975-2017 in English. The penetrating losses caused by a rubber bullet in the face must be treated by a multidisciplinary team in association with complementary exams such as a computed tomography to diagnose and define the treatment with a better prognosis.

Author Biographies

José Maria Menezes Sampaio Junior, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Cirurgião-Dentista | Universidade Federal do Ceará 

Doutor em Técnicas Clínicas em Odontoestomatologia | Universidade de Barcelona

Cirurgião e Traumatologista Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota (IJF)

Chefe do serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Fortaleza (SCM)


Ricardo Franklin Gondim, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Cirurgião-Dentista | Universidade Federal do Ceará

Cirurgião e Traumatologista Buco-Maxilo-Facial e coordenador da residência do Hospital Instituto Dr. José Frota 

Mestre em Odontologia | Universidade Federal do Cerá

Docente do curso de Odontologia | Centro Universitário Christus

Manoel de Jesus Rodrigues Mello, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Cirurgião-Dentista | Universidade Federal do Ceará

Doutor em Odontologia | Universidade Federal do Ceará 

Chefe do serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota (IJF)

Docente do curso de Odontologia (Graduação e pós-Graduação) | Centro Universitário Christus

Rafael Linard Avelar, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Cirurgião-Dentista | Universidade Federal do Ceará

Especialista em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz - Pernambuco

Doutor em Odontologia | Pontíficia Universidade Católica - Rio Grande do Sul

Membro titular |  Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (CBCTBMF)

Docente do curso de Odontologia | Centro Universitário Christus

Jayara Ferreira de Aguiar, Hospital Batista Memorial

Cirurgiã-Dentista | Centro Universitário Christus

Residente em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Hospital Batista Memorial

Josfran da Silva Ferreira Filho, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Cirurgião-Dentista | Universidade Federal do Ceará campus Sobral

Residente em Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial | Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota (IJF)

Membro aspirante | Colégio Brasileirdo de Cirurgia e Trauamatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (CBCTBMF)

Guilherme Sabóia Silveira, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Residente em Neurocirurgia - Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota (IJF)

João Antônio Pinheiro Marques, Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota

Neurocirurgião - Hospital Instituto Doutor José Frota


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How to Cite

SAMPAIO JUNIOR, J. M. M. .; GONDIM, R. F. .; MELLO, M. de J. R. .; AVELAR, R. L. .; AGUIAR, J. F. de .; FERREIRA FILHO, J. da S. .; SILVEIRA, G. S. .; MARQUES, J. A. P. . Unusual facial perforation by less lethal munition: Case report. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 5, p. e43910515168, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i5.15168. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/15168. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences