Multiplicity of parental bonds: A partial analysis of the better interest principle




Multiparenting; Child; Possibility; Recognition; Socio-affectivity.


This article addresses the (im) possibility of acknowledging dual socio-affective paternity and maternity, in cases where the third party, a genetic material donor, is willing to waive his right. The question raised is whether the Brazilian courts, when deciding only for the recognition of the socio-affective family, consisting of two fathers or two mothers, in cases of pregnancies with multiple parental ties due to the donation of genetic material by a third party, take into account the principle in the best interest of the child or adolescent. Therefore, it is necessary, therefore, to make an analysis of the positions established by the Brazilian courts. The scientific article was developed from the qualitative method, through a doctrinal and jurisprudential review, as well as a bibliographic survey in journals and scientific articles. The research method was hypothetical-deductive. The research presents a brief study on the institute of family law, which is later dealt with social paternity and maternity, ending with the analysis of the position adopted by Brazilian courts with regard to cases of pregnancies with multiple ties. As a result of this work, it was possible to verify that the position that begins to spread by the Brazilian courts, in cases of donation of genetic material by a third party and who has no interest in participating in the child's life, is in a favorable sense, that is, the possibility of there is only recognition of dual socio-affective paternity and maternity in favor of the child's best interests.

Author Biographies

Tamires Cezimbra Medina , University of Cruz Alta

Bachelor of Laws from the University of Cruz Alta (2020).

Angela Simone Pires Keitel, University of Cruz Alta

He has a degree in Legal Sciences from the University of Cruz Alta (1997) and a master's degree in Law from the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai e das Missões (2010). He is currently a full professor at the University of Cruz Alta. Coordinator of the Action Center for Human Rights.

Vanessa Steigleder Neubauer, University of Cruz Alta

Graduated in Dance [2001] from the University of Cruz Alta, Specialization in Psychopedagogy Institutional and clinical approach [2006] also from the University of Cruz Alta, Specialization in Specialized Educational Service [2008] by MEC SEESP, Specialization in Media in Education [2012] from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Master in Science Education [2010] from the Northwest University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and PhD in Philosophy from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos [2015]. He has a scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES / PARFOR) and a professor at the University of Cruz Alta. Researcher at the institutions of Cruz Alta University, Northwest University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Graduating in Law / Unicruz. He developed a master's and doctorate investigating the philosophy of Hans George Gadamer, especially in the aspects that involve and language. He has experience in the areas of Dance, Art Therapy, Philosophy of Language, Legal Hermeneutics, Politics, Descriptive Ethics, Metaethics, Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Psychopedagogy. Coordinator of the "Laboratory of Teaching, Research and Extension of Humanities Sorge Lebens, the dimension of knowledge involved in caring for life" at the University of Cruz Alta. Member of the Management Committee of the University Pact for Human Rights at UNICRUZ. He works in the courses of Administration, Accounting, Computer Science, Physical Education, Journalism, Law, Pedagogy. Currently a member of the Brazilian Hermeneutics WG of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy - Anpof, in particular in Research Lines 3. Hermeneutics, Language and Ontology and 4. Hermeneutics and practical philosophy, from the Legal Research Group on Citizenship, Democracy and Human Rights - GPJUR-Unicruz and the Center for Study and Research in Social Practices at the University of Cruz Alta.

Deivid Jonas Silda da Veiga, Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público

Post-graduate student in Family and Succession Law at Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público - FMP (2021 - until now). Bachelor of Laws from the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ (2016 - 2021).

Aline Antunes Gomes, University of Cruz Alta

Doctoral student in Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Master in Law from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ), Postgraduate in Public Law from the University Anhanguera - UNIDERP, Graduated in Law from the Franciscan University of Santa Maria (UFN). She is currently a lawyer in São Luiz Gonzaga and Cruz Alta, professor of the Graduate Course in Law at the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ), member of the Research Group (CAPES and CNPq) Legal in Citizenship, Democracy and Human Rights (GPJUR) of the Course of Law at the University of Cruz Alta. Collaborator of the Consumer Counter Extension Project since 2016.

Ieda Márcia Donati Linck, University of Cruz Alta

Doctor (2015) from PPGL at UFSM / Brazil. Sandwich Doctorate by the University of Aveiro (Portugal), in the area of ​​Linguistics, under the guidance of Professor Dra. Amanda Eloina Scherer, developed the thesis project: A discursive perspective on the constitutive subject-teacher image in the disciplined process of the Supervised Internship in Language Courses. He studied Master in Education Sciences - Universidad Del Norte (2006) and Master of Arts in Language Studies at the University of Passo Fundo under the guidance of Professor Dr. Carme Schons, linked to the line of research on Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity. The University of Cruz Alta - Unicruz has a Specialization in Teaching in Higher Education (1998), Reading and Textual Production (2000) and Language Studies (2001); Graduation in Letters (1996) - Qualification Portuguese / English (Full Degree). She has been an adjunct professor at the University of Cruz Alta since 1997; professor at the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, from 1999 to 2017. She has experience in the area of ​​Education and Linguistic Studies, with an emphasis on Discourse Analysis and Textual Linguistics; as well as in the Portuguese Language Teaching Methodologies, Literature and Youth and Adult Education; and in the orientation of the respective supervised internships; she is a collaborating professor at IPET- Oberá / Argentina; CAPES grantee of the PARFOR Program as a teacher trainer; At Unicruz, it integrates the following bodies representing the Literature Course: Pedagogical Advisory; Structuring Teaching Nucleus for Journalism and Production Engineering Courses. In addition, he has been a member of the Intersectoral Commission on Philanthropic Affairs EIAF since 2008 and is a member of the Research, Extension and Post-Graduation Chamber. Coordinator of PROENEM. Member of Colap and Rondon. Member of the editorial committee of Revista Biomotriz e Hemisférios. Member of the Artistic, Literary, Multiprofessional Association "The Word of the 21st Century" - ALPAS 21, as a founding member.


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How to Cite

MEDINA , T. C. .; KEITEL, A. S. P. .; NEUBAUER, V. S.; VEIGA, D. J. S. da; GOMES, A. A.; LINCK, I. M. D. . Multiplicity of parental bonds: A partial analysis of the better interest principle. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. e51510815753, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i8.15753. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences