Safe medicinal therapy: perspectives of nursing and pharmacy in patient care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)




Nursing care; Clinical Pharmacy Service; Intensive Care Units; Medication Errors; Patient safety.


In view of the alarming number of adverse events related to medications within the scope of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), effective actions in patient care are necessary. In this perspective, this work aims to discuss the role of nursing and pharmacy regarding the safe use of medicines, aiming to guarantee the quality of care provided to critically ill patients. An integrative review of an exploratory-descriptive character with a qualitative approach was carried out, which resulted in the selection of 21 articles, published between January and April 2021, indexed in the main databases. From the studies analyzed, it was observed that the main adverse events were related to errors in prescription, preparation and administration; occurrence of drug interactions; incompatibilities between drugs and equipment. The emergence of these problems was associated with the communication failure of the multidisciplinary team, the work overload and the lack of knowledge about the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate and articulate nurses and pharmacists so that pharmacotherapy is effective, safe and assertive, due to the complexity projected in practice, demanding from these professionals greater qualification and training.

Author Biographies

Dayane Lins França, Centro de Educação Superior Dom Alberto LTDA

Specialist in Nursing in Intensive Care, Urgency and Emergency, from the Faculty of Technology of Curitiba (FATEC); - Specialist in Obstetric Nursing at the Faculty of Technology of Curitiba (FATEC); - Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe (FASE); - Breastfeeding Consultant at Home Baby Assessoria. Experience in the Education Area, with emphasis on Coordination of technical nursing courses, acting mainly on the following themes: People and conflict management, situational strategic planning, continuing education and training of the teaching staff, meetings and standardization of the applied methodology and supervision of the laboratory and the equipment used in the course, provision of special materials, according to the contents taught and the particularities of the course, from the didactic plan of each discipline, preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for laboratory techniques.

Tailaine Nascimento de Castro, State University of Bahia

Graduated in Pharmacy from Universidade Tiradentes (2017). Post-graduated in Clinical Pharmacology from Faculdade Futura (2018) and Pharmacy Hospital (2020) from Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI). Master's student in Line 1: Prospecting for drugs and natural resources in the Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPGFARMA) at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), with a concentration in the areas of bioprospecting of natural assets; photoprotection and pharmacotechnical development of cosmetic products.

Valdjane Nogueira Noleto Nobre, CLMH do HC-UFMG/EBSERH

Graduated in Nursing from Faculdade Estácio Fase- Aracaju. Specialization in ICU, Urgency and Emargency, in Nephrology, Hospital management and people management. Acting with teaching in nursing and nephrologist nurse at the Hospital do Rim de Sergipe with a patient undergoing dialysis treatment. He is currently a member of the HOSPITAL DAS CLINICAS DE MINAS GERAIS, working mainly on the following topics: health and nursing.


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How to Cite

FRANÇA, D. L.; CASTRO, T. N. de; NOBRE, V. N. N. Safe medicinal therapy: perspectives of nursing and pharmacy in patient care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e38410615862, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15862. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 oct. 2024.



Health Sciences