Impact of facial deformity on the patient's perception in orthodontic treatment: A case-control study




Occlusion; Facial deformity; Pain; Quality of life; Orthodontic.


This study evaluated the impact of facial deformity on pain perception of patients undergoing orthodontic and orthodontic-surgical treatment. A case-control study was carried out with a population-based of individuals in orthodontic treatment. Cases and controls were defined by the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). The case group (n=54) included individuals who responded “never” to at least one of the questions, and in control (n=44), those who responded “rarely and sometimes” frequently and “always” to both questions. Cases and controls were paired by sex, age, and clinical conditions in the ratio of 1:1. For data analysis, the odds ratios were estimated with respective confidence intervals of 90%. There was no significant difference between the groups with and without deformities relative to the distribution of the female and male sexes (p=1.000), which allowed pairing the case and control groups in a ratio of 1: 1. Patients with facial deformity showed 2.14 (CI90%: 1.08-4.24) times more chance of reporting the impact on physical pain (p=0.0662). Patients with a facial deformity and orthodontic surgical treatment are twice as likely to perceive physical pain.


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How to Cite

ZAINE, M.; VEDOVELLO, S. A. S. .; CARNEIRO, D. P. A.; VALDRIGHI, H. C.; FURLETTI, V. F.; CORREA, C.; ZANIN, L. Impact of facial deformity on the patient’s perception in orthodontic treatment: A case-control study. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e16510716352, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16352. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences