Bioeconomic evaluation of broilers fed meal of cassava roots supplemented with exogenous carbohydrases




Resistant starch; Poultry; Exogenous enzymes; Animal nutrition; Semiarid.


The experiment was conducted in the aviary of Fazenda São João, located in the district of Santa Rita, municipality of Serra Talhada-PE. The objective was to evaluate the performance of broilers fed diets containing different levels of inclusion of manioc root bran (FIRM), supplemented with multi-enzyme complex. 450 day-old male chicks of the Cobb lineage were used, distributed in 25 experimental plots, in a completely randomized design (DIC) with five treatments, composed of four levels of inclusion of 25, 50, 75 and 100% FIRM and a reference diet based on corn and soybean meal and five repetitions per treatment. The management adopted followed that recommended in the Cobb lineage manual. The performance variables (average daily weight gain, daily feed consumption and feed conversion) and the economic variables gross revenue (RB), expenses (D), gross margin (MB), and profitability (REN) were measured. The parameters of economic performance and evaluation were subjected to analysis of variance, later regression analyzes were performed and the Tukey test was used with a significance level at 5% probability (P <0.05). Improvements (P <0.05) in weight gain and feed conversion were observed in the 36 to 42 days phase and an increase (P <0.05) in economic gain. It was concluded that the FIRM supplemented with exogenous carbohydrates can be included in diets of industrial broilers by up to 100%, producing improvement in zootechnical indexes and an increase in economic gain throughout the experimental period.


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How to Cite

SILVA, W. E. de O.; FERNANDES, M. . C. .; SILVA, C. L. de C. .; NASCIMENTO, A. D. L. do .; HOLANDA, M. A. C. de .; HOLANDA, M. C. R. de; LUCENA, L. R. R. de. Bioeconomic evaluation of broilers fed meal of cassava roots supplemented with exogenous carbohydrases. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e7810716413, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16413. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences