Methods of analysis of the chemical composition and nutritional value of ruminant feeds
Feeding; Digestibility; Methodology; Van Soet.Abstract
Feed analysis is one of the main factors observed in animal nutrition. The most efficient way to identify the nutrient content of foods is through the chemical composition and nutritive value. In the analytical quantification of the nutritive value of foods, the main parameters used are: dry matter (DM), oven drying, microwave oven, and toluene distillation methods (silages); mineral matter (MM), high temperature muffle incineration method; crude protein (CP) or total nitrogen (N), Dumas, Linder, Nessler, and Kjeldahl methods (standard); neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), Van Soest method, with equipment adaptations; lignin, acid hydrolysis method (standard), with potassium permanganate, Klason, and acetyl bromide soluble lignin; and digestibility, in vivo, in situ, in vitro methods, and digestibility markers. However, these can be costly, expensive and time consuming. As an alternative and indirect method, there is the near infrared reflectance spectrometry (NIRS), which has advantages with costs, speed, uses a small number of samples and non-destructive sampling, is multiparametric, and non-polluting. Considering the many variables that can be used to determine the nutritive value of ruminant feed and the range of analytical methods available in the literature, it is up to the observer to adopt the one that best suits the proposed objective, taking into account the type of feed, cost, availability of reagents, materials, equipment, and animals at disposal. The methodology adopted was a descriptive study, resulting in a literature review based on worldwide scientific articles.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Chrislanne Barreira de Macêdo Carvalho; Gabriel Miranda Macambira; Ana Carolina Ferreira dos Santos; Helia Sharlane de Holanda Oliveira; Dayane Albuquerque da Silva; Apolônio Gomes Ribeiro; Gabriela Duarte Silva; Diana Valadares Pessoa; Marilene dos Santos Maciel; Jéssica Berly Moreira Marinho; Aurielle Silva Medeiros; Géssica Solanna Calado Soares; Tafnes Bernardo Sales; Pedro Henrique Ferreira da Silva; Gleyce Kelly de França Silva
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