Analysis of oral isotretinoin consumption in the specialized component of pharmaceutical assistance in the state of Piauí




Acne; Oral isotretinoin; Cost; Pharmacoeconomics; Specialized component.


Isotretinoin is an important drug used for the treatment of acne, a generic name given to many skin diseases, the most common being chronic hyperactivity of the pilosebaceous follicle. Pharrmacoeconomic analysis of this drug is of paramount importance in controlling the treatment well. as in the containment of expenses by the Health System. Given the above, this paper aims to analyze the consumption of oral Isotretinoin in the specialized component of pharmaceutical care (CEAF) of the state of Piauí. To this end, a data collection was performed to survey the consumption of this drug based on the age and sex of its consumers, as well as dose, cost and dosage range. Thus, the theoretical basis focuses on articles published in the last five or ten years that will guide the interpretation of the results obtained in the field research. Thus, this study analyzed, through a statistical survey, the profile of isotretinoin consumers, demonstrating a prevalence of females as the largest consumer of the drug and highlighting the corresponding age group between 20-29 years above the statistics obtained among adolescents and adolescents most commonly used concentration of 40 mg. Information obtained from statistical data can minimize Specialized Component expenditures and contribute to treatment effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Maria Franciane da silva Lima, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Victor Jampierre da silva Barros, Centro Estadual de Educação Profissional em Saúde Monsenhor José Luís Barbosa Cortez

Manoel Pinheiro Lúcio Neto, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho


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How to Cite

LIMA, M. F. da silva; BARROS, V. J. da silva; NETO, M. P. L. Analysis of oral isotretinoin consumption in the specialized component of pharmaceutical assistance in the state of Piauí. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. e170922235, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i2.2235. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences