Digital marketing as a tool for innovation and business leverage


  • Andrea Cristina Marin Fatec Sebrae
  • Alex Paubel Junger Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Felipe Lima Moslavacz Fatec Sebrae
  • José Ferreira de Souza Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul



Marketing; Digital Marketing; Technology; Inovation; Business.


This article presents a research that sought to clarify and evidence the evolution of the historical scenario of marketing science and the sales processes attributed to it, contextualizing how such changes of concepts through their epochs of evolution and their paradigms were applied by companies as to the present day. The speed of structural changes in the new economy and the opportunities generated by current information and communication technologies require companies to continually rethink their business, analyzing new marketing concepts that outperform traditional marketing and can be used in the digital environment as a way of attracting and relationship with customers. This is a descriptive bibliographical research with a qualitative focus, which includes a brief historical survey about the science of Marketing, as well as an investigation that discusses the technology attributed to Digital Marketing as a tool for leveraging business in the contemporary model of today's companies, based on the works of the authors who discuss the theme, such as Las Casas (2009; At the end of the research it was possible to verify that the impact of the new information and communication technologies transformed the way in which the companies are currently related using new forms of advertisements to intensify and adapt the competitiveness established by the current market parameters to other competing companies .


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How to Cite

MARIN, A. C.; JUNGER, A. P.; MOSLAVACZ, F. L.; SOUZA, J. F. de. Digital marketing as a tool for innovation and business leverage. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. e673150, 2018. DOI: 10.17648/rsd-v7i3.245. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.


