Analysis of the influence of the media on the decisions of the Jury Court




Journalistic information; Media democracy; Influence; Popular jury.


Journalistic information, appreciated by a large part of the population, has the duty to bring the news of events that have taken place in society, its primary function is to transmit information authentically. With constitutional guarantees, supported by freedom of opinion and thought, the free media is the full sign of a strong and cohesive democracy, however the power of maneuver of such means building a value judgment in society directly implies interfering in the Jury Court, whose jurors are members of society. In this way, the present study is consolidated in the analysis of press freedom in national legislation, focusing on how the media interferes with criminal information through its sensationalist coverage, carrying out a pre-trial of the accused and interfering in the decision of the Popular Jury. In this sense, forms were evoked that guarantee freedom of information and at the same time demonstrate means of curbing excesses and re-establishing the truth of the facts. In carrying out the research, the deductive approach method and scientific procedure methods were used, with the rules and norms followed by the rigor of science, history in the evaluation of the legal institutes that emerged, comparative in the explanation of the phenomena or constant facts, monographic studying the case in depth, in order to illustrate the role of the media interested in the hearing by the wide dissemination, often in a distorted way, of criminal information that moves the population.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, R. S. de .; MACIEL, J. C. F. .; MEDEIROS, R. F. de .; GADELHA, H. S. .; CASTRO FILHO, H. M. . .; SANTOS, S. A. dos .; VAREJÃO, M. da S. .; MARQUES, A. T. . Analysis of the influence of the media on the decisions of the Jury Court. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e40711225742, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.25742. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences