Ethnopharmacological studies in 21st century Brazil: a systematic review




Ethnopharmacology; Ethno-directed; Medicinal plants; Brazil.


Brazil is a country with a large party of the population, including traditional communities, that use plants for medicinal purposes, however, the prospect of drugs derived from plants is still little explored. The present study aimed to carry out a systematic review of the literature, in an attempt to understand how studies involving ethnopharmacology have developed in Brazil during the 21st century. The Scielo and PubMed data bases were used, using the keywords “ethnopharmacology” and “Brazil”. In a total of 212 articles were selected and the highest number of publications in the years of, respectively: 2018 (9.43%), 2020 (8.96%) and 2014 (8.96%). Experimental studies (laboratory studies, such as phytochemicals and biological activity) accounted 41.98% of the total, followed by literature reviews (36.32%) and ethno-directed interviews (20.28%). The results showed that the most common types of studies were popular use and biological activity (33.96%), followed by studies of popular use, phytochemical composition and biological activity (21.70%) and ethno-directed survey (20.75%). The most cited botanical families were Fabaceae (8.49%), Asteraceae (5.19%) and Lamiaceae (2.83%) and the main biological activities evaluated were anti-inflammatory (10.85%), antimicrobial (10 .85%), antimalarial (5.19%) and antioxidant (4.72%). Among the traditional communities surveyed were rural communities (50%) and quilombola communities (13.64%). The present study indicates that there was a significant increase in publications involving ethnopharmacology in Brazil, mainly from 2010, associated with a greater diversification of the researched objectives.

Author Biographies

Alex Sander Lopes da Silva, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Master's student in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPGFARMA, UNEB), MBA in Quality Management and Environmental Management (Uninassau), Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy (Uninter), Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Pharmacy (UFVJM), Degree in Biology (UNICID) and Degree in Chemistry (Cruzeiro do Sul University).

Maria Luiza Silveira de Carvalho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (2001-2004) and Master's degree in Plant Biology (2005-2007) from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Campus of Rio Claro. He has a PhD in Botany (2009-2013) from the State University of Feira de Santana, Bahia (UEFS). She did her postdoctoral work (PNPD, 2014-2019) at the Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Biodiversity at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Salvador, where she was a substitute professor of Botany (2017-18) and is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Biology. Its main field of activity includes the Biosystematics of Plants, focusing mainly on herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae tribe). He is also interested in the areas of genetics and evolution, biogeography and systematics of Monocots (especially in the Mayacaceae family), guiding undergraduate and graduate students (through the UFBA Biodiversity and Evolution Program (PPGBioEvo). He is also interested in extension activities involving the theme of botanical blindness, being coordinator of some projects.

Clicia Maria de Jesus Benevides, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Post-Doctorate in Analytical Chemistry (UP-Porto-Portugal); PhD in Analytical Chemistry (UFBA); Master in Nutrition (UFBA); Specialist in Food Quality Control (UFBA); Specialist in Teaching Methodology (UEFS); Graduated in Food Engineering (UFV). Full/Full Professor in the Food Technology area of ​​the Nutrition course at the Department of Life Sciences (DCV)-UNEB. She was Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Health Management-EAD-UAB-UNEB; Permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Knowledge Diffusion (PPGDC)-Ufba, Uneb and Ifba and of the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PPGFARMA) of Uneb. Areas of expertise and interest: Food and Nutrition Security, Social Technologies, Food Science and Technology, Traditional Communities, Tourism in Traditional Communities.


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. S. L. da; CARVALHO, M. L. S. de; BENEVIDES, C. M. de J. Ethnopharmacological studies in 21st century Brazil: a systematic review . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e48211225956, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.25956. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 feb. 2025.



Health Sciences