Physical, behavioral characteristics and somatic anxiety state of e-Sports players




Anxiety; Mental health; Competitive behavior; e-Sports.


Introduction: the emergence of electronic games took place in the 70s, with the passage of time and its constant improvements became a phenomenon in the cultural industry, reaching billions of dollars and being a reason for discussion in public health. Objective: to identify characteristics and observe the intensity of somatic, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence of e-Sports players moments before matches. Methodology: initially, electronic messages were sent via social network to 53 teams participating in national competitions, to present the study and make the invitation. The invitation consisted of answering three questionnaires, the IPAQ, the CSAI-2R and a questionnaire to characterize the sample, minutes before entering an official game competition, both on an online platform through Microsoft Forms. In the questionnaires there were questions about aspects correlated to the health and level of anxiety and self-confidence of the players in the pre-competition period. Result: the average age of the players was 20.93 ± 1.85 years, cognitive anxiety was present with a mean of 21.83 ± 8.12 and somatic 17.07 ± 5.32, being considered the average level. -dio of specialization in the current sport for players 49.4 %, still, presented indices of sedentary lifestyle 51.9 %. Conclusion: the vast majority of athletes are young, and consider themselves to be of medium level in the sport in question. Subjects showed medium levels of cognitive anxiety, even with self-confidence present, and low levels of somatic anxiety before competitions.

Author Biographies

Devisson dos Santos Silva , Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduado em Educação Física, especialista em desempenho humano na atividade física e esporte, técnico nível I de atletismo, mestrando em desempenho e esporte.

Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Ellber Rodrigo Santos Albuquerque , Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduado em Educação Física, mestre em atividade física e saúde.

Universidade Federal de Sergipe.

Rogério Brandão Wichi , Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Doutor em Ciências pela Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Docente permanente de graduação e pós-graduação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Departamento de Educação Física (DEF)

Afrânio de Andrade Bastos , Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Doutor em Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte pela Universidade de León, professor associado da graduação e pós-graduação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Departamento de Educação Física (DEF).


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How to Cite

DANTAS, D. N.; SILVA , D. dos S.; ALBUQUERQUE , E. R. S. .; SILVA, D. R. P. da; WICHI , R. B. .; BASTOS , A. de A. . Physical, behavioral characteristics and somatic anxiety state of e-Sports players. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. e6911528007, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i5.28007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences