Evaluation of the economic sustainability of milk producing properties in Vale do Taquari/RS through indicators
Sustainability Indicators; Economic Sustainability; Dairy Production; Vale do Taquari.Abstract
Introduction: Dairy production, present in all regions, is an important activity to contribute with the food security, job and income generation and the permanence of the population in the countryside. However, its development occurs in a heterogeneous way and often generates environmental, economic and social problems in the area where it is inserted. For this reason, society in general has been pressuring the sector to find more intensive and sustainable processes. Objective: This work seeks to evaluate the economic sustainability of dairy properties in Vale do Taquari - RS, essentially familiar, through indicators, seeking to understand which economic aspects interfere in the sustainability of rural enterprises. Methods: The present study is classified as exploratory and descriptive, based on a quantitative approach, having as technical procedures the adoption of field research, conducted in 36 properties. To assess the economic sustainability of the properties, the Indicator System for the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Dairy Properties was used. Results: The results indicate that most of the properties perform well to achieve economic sustainability conditions, although there are differences between them. The factors that contributed most to this result are associated with technological evolution, enterprise management, diversification of income sources and access to basic services. Conclusion: As negative aspects for the economic sustainability, are the high degree of indebtedness of the properties, the absence of family succession and the reduced wealth evolution in the last years.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudete Rempel; Fernanda Cristina Wiebusch Sindelar; Douglas Henrique Flach; Jeferson Henrique Ziem

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