Analysis of the hippocratic swords in the light of principialist bioethics and Edgar Morin




Bioethics; Health teaching; Hippocratic judgment; Medicine.


This study aimed to analyze the Hippocratic Oath in the light of Principialist Bioethics and the contributions of Edgar Morin to the qualification ethics in professional health practice. Theoretical-reflective research with selection of scientific articles in databases such as SCIELO, Pubmed and books dealing with the theme and then the analysis of the Hippocratic Oath, supporting the narrative discussions in the development of this study. The result of this study pointed out that bioethics permeates the resolution of conflicts and moral dilemmas that arise in human relations, understanding the individual as having cognitive and moral skills, capable of acting freely and responsibly, and the principleary bioethics is based on the principles of Autonomy; Non-Maleficence; Beneficence; and justice. There is an equivalence of passages in common between Bioethics and the Hippocratic Oath, showing, in many moments, the coherent stance of not causing harm, in order to avoid the suffering of the patient, remaining fair and in this context, Morin brings relevant contributions to the study by articulating ethics as an essential element for the construction of new behaviors and attitudes, the inseparability of ethics and the values inherent to the individual; the ethics of the individual before society, professional life and humanity.


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How to Cite

BIONDO, C. S. .; COSTA, S. M. .; OLIVEIRA, Y. N. S. .; SANTOS, A. S. dos .; VILELA, A. B. A. . Analysis of the hippocratic swords in the light of principialist bioethics and Edgar Morin . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. e54411528552, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i5.28552. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences