The effects of microneedling on the atrophic scar of acne vulgaris




Esthetics; Acne Vulgaris; Prevention & control; Dry needling.


The study how to learn to work with microneedling in the treatment of automaton people healing by acne, in order to raise people's self-esteem. We searched the literature for articles and experimental studies, published in the last 10 years (2011-2021) in Portuguese and English, which addressed microneedling in atrophic healing of acne vulgaris. Five original studies were analyzed and addressed the effects of microneedling on atrophic acne healing. Altogether, the studies included 11 patients, 8 female and 3 male. In all studies, between 2 and 4 sessions were performed, lasting between 15 and 50 each session, using devices with 540 and 540 and 492 microneedles that had between 0.540 studies and 2.5 mm, in three studies the Roller device with 500 microneedles of 1.0 mm, in one study a dermaroller with 192 microneedles of 2.5mm was used, and in one study a roller with 540 microneedles of 0.5mm was used. Aesthetics aims to increase and improve self-confidence and self-esteem, which is why it has been standing out in a positive way in people's lives. Microagulation in the atrophic healing of acne is one of the treatments that aesthetics offers to improve this dysfunction and consequently the quality of life of the people considered.

Author Biographies

Eduarda Cristina Chaves Silva, Centro Universitário de Formiga

Curso de Estética

Júlia Medeiros, Centro Universitário de Formiga

Curso de Estética

Milena de Fátima Silva, Centro Universitário de Formiga

Curso de Estética

Polliana Lúcio Lacerda Pinheiro, Centro Universitário de Formiga

Curso de Estética

Curso de Enfermagem


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How to Cite

SILVA, E. C. C.; MEDEIROS, J. .; SILVA, M. de F. .; PINHEIRO, P. L. L. .; LEAL, J. C. . The effects of microneedling on the atrophic scar of acne vulgaris. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. e52611730274, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i7.30274. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



Review Article