Nurse's vision on co-responsibility in cases of premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit




Comprehensive health care; Neonatal nursing; Humanization of Assistance; Premature newborn; Neonatal intensive care units.


Objective: to know the nurse's view of co-responsibility in cases of premature babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Method: This is a qualitative study with descriptive and exploratory approach, in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte - CE, having as a place of study the reference maternity of the Cariri macroregion. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire whose answers were given by nurses working in the NICU were submitted to analysis. For data analysis it was used the content analysis model proposed by Bardin (2011), in which the material went through a three-step analysis: pre-analysis, exploration of the material and treatment of results thus emerging four categories. Results: The sample in the research period was 08 (eight) nurses, however due to difficulties in time management and intense work routine it was not possible for 02 (two) nurses to participate in the research. After prior reading of the questionnaire and the answers, it was possible to establish four categories, they are: defining humanized care (category 1); co-responsibility and its materialization in humanized care (category 2); materializing co-responsibility and its possible difficulties (category 3); characterizing care in the Neonatal ICU (category 4). Conclusion: It was found the relevance of the multiprofessional team together with the family, since the harmony of the two subjects provided that the care to the individual is performed in the fullness of its totality. Conclusion: The relevance of the multidisciplinary team was verified together with the family, since the harmony of the two subjects provided that care to the individual is performed in the fullness of its tone.

Author Biographies

Marivânia Monteiro Alves, Centro Universitário de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte (UNIJUAZEIRO). Member of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group at the Regional University of Cariri (GPCLIN/URCA/CNPq) Ceará, Brazil. Volunteer of the Scientific Initiation Program (PIC) of UNIJUAZEIRO.

Vitória Hellen Caetano da Silva, Centro Universitário de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte (UNIJUAZEIRO). Scholarship holder of the Scientific Initiation Program (PIC) of UNIJUAZEIRO.

Maria Karoline de Moura Lobo, Centro Universitário de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte (UNIJUAZEIRO).

Izaely Vieira Tavares, Centro Universitário de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte (UNIJUAZEIRO).

Ana Paula Agostinho Alencar, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Bachelor in Nursing from the Regional University of Cariri-URCA, Ceará, Brazil (2010); Doctoral student in the Clinical Care Course in Nursing and Health at the State University of Ceará (UECE); Master in Health Sciences from Faculdade de Medicina do ABC- 2016. Postgraduate in Family Health (2010) and Teaching Practice in Higher Education (2013) both from the integrated faculty of Patos FIP. Specialist in SUS Regulation System, by the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital (2015). Specialist in Permanent Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2015). Specialist in Health Auditing (2016). Specialist in quality and safety in patient care by Hospital Sírio Libanês (2015). Specialist in Management of Health Care Networks -FIOCRUZ (2017). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES) Lecturer at URCA/FUNDETEC course Management in Public Health (modular regime, since 2010). Nurse in the family health strategy (2013). Health Department of the Municipality of Altaneira-Ceará (2013 to 2014). Coordinator of Primary Care (2015). Experience in the hospital area (2010 to 2013). Researcher of the Clinical Research Group, Care and Health Management - GPCLIN (current) Member of the GPEDIAM research group (current), both from the Regional University of Cariri. Professor at the Regional University of Cariri, Department of Nursing (2011 to 2013) and (2015-2019). Specialized care nurse (2014-2020). Internship Coordinator of the Technical Course in Health Surveillance at the SUS-ETSUS Technical School (2019-2020). Technical Quality Advisor (2020-current).

Petrúcya Frazão Lira, Centro Universitário de Juazeiro do Norte

Graduated in Nursing from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (2003), Specialist in Biology from Faculdade do Juazeiro do Norte, Specialist in Nephrology from Universidade Regional Vale do Acaraú, Specialist in Health Education for SUS Preceptors from Hospital Sírio Libanês, Specialist in Management of Health Surveillance by Sírio Libanês, Specialist in Family Health at the University of Brasília, Specialist in Network Management at FIOCRUZ and Master in Education Sciences at Universidade Gama Filho. He is currently a professor at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte-UNIJUAZEIRO. She led the way as director of the SUS Technical School in Barbalha-ETSUS Cariri and coordinator of the Mental Health Network between 2017 and 2020. She worked as an assistant nurse at the ESF in Juazeiro do Norte; Institutional Supporter at the 21st CRES in the same municipality and tutored by FIOCRUZ in the Matrix Support Course in Primary Care with emphasis on NASF in the state of Minas Gerais in the first edition and in the second in the state of Ceará. She was a facilitator in the Cariri Region in the SUS Preceptors Specialization course at the Sírio Libanês Institution. She worked as Secretary of Health and Executive Secretary of the Municipality of Juazeiro do Norte, Coordinator of the Management Center of the same municipality in 2013, Secretary of Health of Aurora from 2009 to 2012. She served as a primary care nurse for five years, as a teacher at the Francisca Nobre da Cruz Vocational School and the ATS Vocational Center. He worked as a postgraduate professor in Biology at Faculdade FJN and professor at the undergraduate level at SAPIENS and FUNDETEC. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Vocational Education, Public Health Nursing and Administration in Financial Management.


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How to Cite

ALVES, M. M.; SILVA, V. H. C. da .; LOBO, M. K. de M.; TAVARES, I. V.; ALENCAR, A. P. A.; LIRA, P. F. Nurse’s vision on co-responsibility in cases of premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e24511830739, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.30739. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences