Patient safety culture in the multiprofessional perspective




Patient safety; Multiprofessional team; Organizational culture.


Aim: to analyze the dimensions of patient safety culture from a multiprofessional perspective. Methodo: an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach conducted in two hospitals in southern Brazil. The study included 108 workers from the multiprofessional health team. Data collection was performed from August to December 2017, using the Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire as an instrument. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: the beliefs, attitudes and perceptions of health professionals regarding patient safety still present important weaknesses in the evaluated hospitals. Even considering the general perception of the safety culture as adequate, we highlight the weaknesses regarding staff sizing, non-punitive responses to errors and teamwork among the units. Conclusions: the consolidation of patient safety is a strategy for quality improvement and process remodeling, enabling safe practices to qualify multiprofessional work and at the same time guarantee the quality of care, which is a patient right.

Author Biographies

Éder Luís Arboit, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Nurse, Master and PhD student in Nursing by the Graduate Program in Nursing - PPGEnf / UFSM. Professor in the Nursing Course at the University of Cruz Alta. Cruz Alta - RS, Brazil.

Gabriela Bellini, Universidade de Cruz Alta

2Academic of the 8th semester of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ), Scholarship holder PIBEX / UNICRUZ.

Cassiana Ribeiro Schütz, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Academic of the 8th semester of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ).

Maria Cristina Schettert Moraes, Universidade de Cruz Alta

Graduated in Mathematics, Master in Education, Professor in the Nursing Course at the University of Cruz Alta. Cruz Alta - RS, Brazil.

Sandra da Silva Kinalski, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

5Nurse, Master in Comprehensive Health Care, PhD student in Nursing at PPGEnf at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Santa Maria -RS, Brazil.

Ruy de Almeida Barcellos, Serviço de Enfermagem em Terapia Intensiva do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Nurse, Post-doctorate in Health Sciences. Professor of the Specialization in Nursing in Intensive Care at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Nursing Service in Intensive Care at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - RS.


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How to Cite

ARBOIT, Éder L.; BELLINI, G.; SCHÜTZ, C. R.; MORAES, M. C. S.; KINALSKI, S. da S.; BARCELLOS, R. de A. Patient safety culture in the multiprofessional perspective. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 5, p. e125953088, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i5.3088. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences