Bromatological composition and sensory analysis of cacti as unconventional food plants: a systematic review
Cactaceae; Minerals; Nutrients; Functional Food; Food security.Abstract
The species of the Cactaceae family stand out due to their nutritional composition and occurrence in different parts of the world. However, the use of cacti as unconventional food plants is still poorly understood. Thus, the objective was to investigate, from a systematic review, the chemical and mineral composition, in addition to the sensory analysis of two cactus species (Pereskia aculeata and Pilosocereus gounellei) as unconventional food plants. To this end, databases were consulted and eleven articles published in the last 10 years (2012-2022) were included. Through the results, it was observed that the species Pereskia aculeata (ora-pro-nóbis) and Pilosocereus gounellei (xique-xique) are the most used as food ingredients for humans, as well as presenting great versatility, being consumed in natura or used in the production of different foods, such as breads, cakes, pies, yogurts, cupcakes and drumsticks. In addition, it was found that cacti represent an important source of nutrients, such as protein, minerals and fiber, especially for human consumption, providing essential nutrients for adequate nutrition and health of populations. However, it is emphasized that more studies are needed in order to encourage and value the use of cacti as unconventional food plants.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Victor Gurgel Pessoa; Saint Clair Lira Santos; Palloma Vitória Carlos de Oliveira; Tomás Guilherme Pereira da Silva; Pâmara Virna Carlos de Oliveira; Gabriel Siqueira Tavares Fernandes

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