Evaluation of nurses' presence in rural area schools and nurses in the municipality of imperatriz – MA





School nurse; Health promotion; Schools and kindergartens.


The presence of a nurse in school environments brings continuous improvements in health education processes, provides a better quality in child health care, as well as a sense of security for other professionals working in these units. However, even with the enactment of Law No. 1,616 of 2011, which requires the presence of the professional nurse in school environments, the performance of this professional in this environment is scarce. To investigate the presence of nurses in public schools and day care centers in the rural area of ​​Imperatriz -MA. Documentary, descriptive research with a quantitative approach carried out in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Imperatriz - MA. For data collection. A consultation was carried out at the Municipal Secretary of Education (SEMED) of the municipality of Imperatriz. Collection of information related to the total number of municipal schools and day care centers, address, area, village, number of students and the presence of the professional nurse at the school or day care center. The municipality of Imperatriz has 127 municipal school units. Of these 100 are located in urban areas and 27 in rural areas. The school units in the rural area include a total of 2646 students. It was observed that no school unit has the presence of a nursing professional in the school. It brings a reflection on the importance of the role of the nurse professional in these spaces.

Author Biographies

Giuliana Barbosa Sampaio , Universidade Ceuma

Graduated in nursing from Ceuma University in Imperatriz- MA

Raelque Sousa e Silva , Universidade Ceuma

Graduated in nursing from the State University of Tocantins- UNITINS. Master's student in nursing from UNISINOS university, specialist in Public Health and Obstetrics from the Faculty of SAVARIA - FAS. Coordinator of the scientific initiation group of the course completion work discipline - TCC of the Faculdade do Bico- FABIC, participant in the scientific research group in women's health of the federal university of Tocantins (GRUPESM), under the coordination of Dr. Daniela Rosa Evangelista. Experience in higher education teaching; experience in intensive care unit (ICU) and medium and high complexity care for critically ill patients.

Arannadia Barbosa Silva, Universidade Ceuma

Graduation in Veterinary Medicine from the State University of Maranhão/UEMA. Master's degree in Animal Science-CCA/UEMA with emphasis on pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of animal diseases. PhD in Science (Biodiversity and Health) from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute - IOC/ FIOCRUZ - RJ, in the area of environmental and human health. Leader of Research Group-CNPq (Determining Factors in Health Promotion) from Ceuma University - UNICEUMA. Experience in NB3 biosafety laboratories, in the areas of Epidemiology, Microbiology with Cell culture of pathogens of risk class 2 and 3, Parasitology (Acarology, Protozoology and Helminthology), Parasitic Diseases, Serological tests of bacteria and protozoa, Molecular Biology and Phylogenetic Analysis. Currently, he is a professor at Faculdade Vale do Aço - FAVALE and Universidade CEUMA.


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How to Cite

SAMPAIO , G. B. .; SILVA , R. S. e .; SILVA, A. . B. . Evaluation of nurses’ presence in rural area schools and nurses in the municipality of imperatriz – MA. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 10, p. e152111032298, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i10.32298. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/32298. Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences