Perception of violence in sport: a view of students of Pedro II high school, campus São Cristóvão/Rio de Janeiro




Violence in sport; Civilizing Process; Violence in football; Perception of violence.


The study seeks to identify and analyze the view of youth in relation to violence in sport and its implications in sports practiced in the school environment. The specific objectives are: to verify the level of concern of young people from Pedro II College, São Cristóvão III campus, about violence in school sports; analyze which sports are more prone to manifestations of violence, according to these young people; identify, according to Pedro II students, the possible influencing factors of violent attitudes in sport. We use the qualitative approach and in all, 132 young people participated in the work (121 questionnaires and 11 interviews). We use categorization as a method of data analysis. Exaggerated competitiveness, lack of education and lack of emotional control were the most remembered among the factors influencing violent attitudes in sport. Given the data, it is assumed that our civilizing process, based on Elias and Dunning, is not fully established.

Author Biographies

Leandro Guimarães Vargas, Colégio Pedro II

  • Graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, two postgraduate courses in the area of ​​School Physical Education, Master from the Salgado de Oliveira University.
  • I am currently a professor in the federal network, at Colégio Pedro II.
  • Member of the Research Group on School, Sport and Culture (GPEEsC).
  • Member of the Study and Research Group in School Physical Education (GEPEFE).

Mauricio Murad, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

In February 2004, he concluded his doctorate in Sociology of Sport at the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto, Portugal, defending his thesis on this date, with the co-supervision of INEF in La Coruña, Spain. He is currently an Adjunct Professor (retired) at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Uerj, professor and researcher of Sociology of Sports in the master's program at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira - Universo - and Collaborator of the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. January. He has published 45 articles in specialized journals in Brazil and abroad and more than 20 works in annals of national and international events. It has 30 book chapters, 15 published books and more than 600 technical production items. Received 10 academic and cultural awards and/or honors.

Silvio de Cassio Costa Telles, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

He holds a degree in Physical Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, a Master's and PhD in Physical Education and Culture from the Gama Filho University and a Post-Doctorate from the University of Évora (Portugal) at the Institute for Advanced Research and Training (IIFA). He is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and adjunct IV at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Prodocência Scholarship), where he works respectively in the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education and the Postgraduate Program in Exercise Sciences. and Sports, advising in master's and doctoral courses. He also works as a water polo coach at Fluminense Football Club and as a teacher at UNESA in the Physical Education course, having been awarded a productivity scholarship. He is the leader of the Research Group on School, Sport and Culture (GPEEsC) registered with the CNPq.

Roberto Ferreira dos Santos, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

Graduated in Full Degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1975), Master's in Education from the Fluminense Federal University (1990) and PhD in Sports Sciences and Physical Education from the University of Porto (1996) where he presented thesis entitled " Violence in Portuguese football: a sociological interpretation based on the theoretical conception of civilizational process". He worked as a teacher at the Institute of Physical Education at UERJ from 1978 to 2003, in addition to having been Head of the Department of Individual Sports for some years. Fluminense Athletics Coach from 1976 to 1991. From 1998 to 2006 he was Full Professor and Director of the Physical Education Course and Director of the School of Health and Sports at the University Center of the City of Rio de Janeiro - UNIVERCIDADE. During all these years he taught subjects such as Athletics, Athletics Teaching Methodology, Teaching Practice, Pedagogical Fundamentals, having also supervised around 60 course conclusion works and 15 Master's dissertations. Master's Degree in Physical Activity Sciences, in which he teaches the Research Seminar and Elective Course on Sport and Violence. This program is part of the Research Line Sociocultural Aspects of Physical Activity.


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How to Cite

VARGAS, L. G.; MURAD, M. .; TELLES, S. de C. C.; SANTOS, R. F. dos. Perception of violence in sport: a view of students of Pedro II high school, campus São Cristóvão/Rio de Janeiro. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 10, p. e47111032521, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i10.32521. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dec. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences