Starch – A review of biopolymeric products and their derivations




Biodegradable; Environment; Bioplastic; Starch.


Studies related to the use of biofilms as substitutes for conventional plastic components have been gaining strength and receiving considerable attention in the field of renewable resources. The search for alternative packaging, from socio-environmental measures that can add good performance, without harming the environment, has been the subject of studies, research and investments. In this way, this work demonstrates the evolution of investigations related to biopolymers, with starch being the raw material in focus used in the production of bioplastics, which is fully biodegradable and available in nature. For this, an investigation was carried out, which illustrates descriptive research and bibliographic survey, correlating search results in databases of available scientific journals. In the bibliographic review, the scientific databases PubMed (Publisher MEDLINE - National Library of Medicine), Science Direct and Capes Periodicals were addressed, using as classification criteria filters available on the platforms themselves, where the periodicity of 10 years was defined (2012 to 2022). In general, the systems for publishing articles showed some variability, but as we can see, there is a growing trend in research over the years on all platforms. It was found in this study that the application of different methodologies and inputs in the constitution of biodegradable films had a great influence on the mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of the materials, contributing to the advancement of research.

Author Biography

Maria Jaqueline Bailão Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará




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How to Cite

SILVA, M. J. B. .; ALVES, F. S. .; QUEIROZ, R. N. .; QUEIROZ, N. I. F. .; LAGO, G. V. P. do .; PEREIRA, G. V. da S. .; MORAES, N. S. .; PESSOA, M. M. da S. .; REGO, J. de A. R. do .; BRASIL, D. do S. B. . Starch – A review of biopolymeric products and their derivations. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 12, p. e280111234470, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i12.34470. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Review Article