Assessment of dexterity, motor coordination and impact on quality of life in patients using assistive technology: a case study




Physical therapy specialty; Self-help devices; Amputation; Quality oflLife.


Introduction: Amputations are considered as total or partial withdrawal, having traumatic or congenital etiological causes, which end up impacting the individual's body acceptance and social relationships. The prostheses already existing in the scope of assistive technology, and new models, started to have an extensive acquisition value, becoming laborious to be acquired. As a result of this factor, companies such as e –NABLE together with health and engineering professionals aim to manufacture low cost upper limb prostheses, through additive manufacturing. Objective: perform an assessment of dexterity, motor coordination and impact on quality of life, in a patient using assistive technology. Methodology: The present study was characterized as a case study of a patient with transradial congenital amputation, who, through the 3D Hands project, received a low-cost prosthesis, where this research had as objective through the procedures and tests reported to assess dexterity, motor coordination and quality of life. Results and Discussion: It was observed that the use of the “Cyborg Beast” prosthesis was not satisfactory for the patient with congenital transradial amputation, with no expected tests being applied. However, since the patient had a lower score in the domain for emotional aspects, in the SF-36 Questionnaire, performed before the attempt at fitting. Conclusion: The importance of developing prosthetic models that serve this population was explained, as well as more studies that address motor coordination, manual dexterity and quality of life.

Author Biographies

Isabela Victória Fontes Arizi, Centro Universitário UNINASSAU

Graduando em Fisioterapia pela UNINASSAU /JP-PB.

Weslley Barbosa Sales, Centro Universitário UNINASSAU/ JP-PB

Departamento de Fisioterapia

Renata Ramos Tomaz, Centro Universitário UNINASSAU

Fisioterapeuta, Professora da UNINASSAU/JP-PB e Doutora pelo programa de Fisioterapia da UFRN.


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How to Cite

ARIZI, I. V. F.; SALES, W. B.; TOMAZ, R. R. Assessment of dexterity, motor coordination and impact on quality of life in patients using assistive technology: a case study. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 6, p. e104963470, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i6.3470. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences