Clinical pharmacist interventions in the identification and prevention of problems related to pharmacotherapy in a tertiary teaching hospital




Pharmaceutical care; Pharmaceutical Interventions; Clinical Pharmacy; Drug-Related Problems; Patient safety.


The present study aims to analyses the pharmaceutical interventions in the identification and prevention of problems related to pharmacotherapy. This study has a quantitative, transversal and descriptive approach. Data were obtained in the period from January to November 2021. All patients admitted to a University Hospital in Sergipe, within the period described above, who required pharmaceutical intervention, were included in this study. Therefore, the variables of interest analyzed were divided into three axes: I) patient data: a) age, b) sex and c) comorbidities; II) problems related to detected drugs and III) pharmaceutical interventions carried out and their acceptability. After collection, data were recorded separately in Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets and analyzed using central tendency techniques. The population studied comprised 357 patients, the majority being male (53%; n=191), with at least one comorbidity, mostly hypertension (48.4%; n=205), diabetes (27%; n=115) and dyslipidemia (6%; n=26). Most interventions (64%; n=325) were accepted and most of these were related to dose adjustment, missing medication, need for additional medication and route of administration. Of the pharmaceutical interventions that were not accepted, it was observed that 26% (n=129) of prescribers did not justify it and 10% (n=52) did it. In view of the results presented, it can be seen that most pharmaceutical interventions were accepted, which may be related to the advancement of understanding of the role of the clinical pharmacist in the health team. These changes bring benefits in clinical outcomes and pharmacoeconomics parameters, since the performance of the multidisciplinary team aims to promote adequate and safe pharmacotherapy for the patient, through the prevention of drug-related problems as well as their rational use.

Author Biographies

Damaris Santana Cardoso , Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Pharmacist from the Federal University of Sergipe (2016). Specialist in quality of magistral pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care an Hospital Health Care. Has experience in the field of Masterful Pharmacy. Currently collaborate in a Drug Information Center (CIMUFS-Lag).

Izadora Menezes da Cunha Barros, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Pharmacist graduated from Tiradentes University (2010). Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Federal University of Sergipe (2013). Doctor by the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences (2016). She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, at the Department of Pharmacy -DFAL of the Antônio Garcia Filho Campus (Lagarto-SE). Member of the Laboratory of Studies in Pharmaceutical Care (LECFAR) and of the Teaching and Research Group in Social Pharmacy (GEPFS). Professor of Pharmaceutical Teaching Practices in the Community and the Professional Master's Program in Management and Technological Innovation in Health (PPGITS). Develops research in the areas of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Assistance and Pharmaceutical Communication. Exercises tutoring activity in the Multiprofessional Residency of Hospital Care.

Júlia Santana Lisboa, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Pharmacy at the Federal University of Sergipe, postgraduate in Pharmaceutical Care and Clinical Pharmacy at IPOG, and also in Hospital Pharmacy. Internship at HUSE and Health Care Center in Sergipe, for 6 months each. I am a specialist in Hospital Health Care - Lagarto (HUL). I worked as a pharmacist at the Sergipe Health Care Center for 9 months, and for 5 months at the Health Promotion and Assistance Institute (IPES). I have experience in the hospital area, in extensive actions, participation in several practical courses, including the course on injectables, held at UFS; complete computer course and willing to new experiences.


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How to Cite

CARDOSO , D. S. .; BARROS, I. M. da C. .; LISBOA, J. S. .; MATOS, L. E. O.; SANTOS, G. P. . Clinical pharmacist interventions in the identification and prevention of problems related to pharmacotherapy in a tertiary teaching hospital. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 14, p. e153111435760, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i14.35760. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences