Mobile applications as a preventive strategy against the deleterious effects of the dementia process in the elderly




Elderly; Cognitive deficit; Mobile Applications.


The total Brazilian population was estimated at 212.7 million in 2021 and for the year 2030, it is estimated to reach 40 million elderly people. With this growth, the search for strategies that allow healthy aging is necessary and thus, technology through applications has been used as an ally in the intervention of the cognitive effects arising from age. The study aimed to analyze the collection of mobile applications developed for the elderly in order to promote benefits against the deleterious effects of the dementia process. For this, a search was carried out in the databases “LILACS”, “SciELO”, “PUBMED” and “PKP (Publik Knowledge Project)”, through the Boolean combination of the descriptors: (elderly OR aged OR “old man”) AND (“virtual reality” OR “mobile applications” OR “mobile app” OR app) AND (“cognitive deficit” OR “memory disorders” OR “cogniti”). Obtaining as inclusion criteria articles corresponding to the year 2016 to 2021 and articles on mobile applications aimed at prevention or cognitive stimulation of elderly people in the process of dementia. In this way, the existence of three applications was found, which, when tested, showed advantages in terms of their applicability to the advancement of the elderly in the dementia stage, showing favorable results in the improvement of cognitive functions such as memory, attention and logical reasoning. Therefore, it is clear that the digital world is favorable to healthy aging.

Author Biographies

Francisco Soares da Silva Neto, Centro Universitário UNIFACID| Wyden

Graduated in Psychology from Faculdade Integral Diferencial (2013). Specialization in Higher Education Teaching at Faculdade Cesvale (2018). Student of the Master's Program Program in Biotechnology and Primary Health Care in Biotechnology at Centro Universitário UNIFACID|Wyden.

Ana Flávia Machado de Carvalho, Centro Universitário UNIFACID| Wyden

Graduation in Physiotherapy from the State University of Paraíba (1996) PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Effective professor at the State University of Piauí and at the UNIFacid|Wyden University Center. faculty member of the Master in Biotechnology at UNIFACID|Wyden. Physiotherapist from the state of Piauí, working at HGV in the ICU since 2006. Has experience in the field of Physiotherapy, with emphasis on PUBLIC HEALTH, HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHING, NEUROPEDIATRICS AND PNEUMOFUNCTIONAL. Acting mainly on the following topics: physical therapy, protective ventilatory strategy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory technique and child neurorehabilitation.

Marcello de Alencar Silva, Centro Universitário UNIFACID| Wyden

Degree in Physiotherapy from Faculdade Integral Diferencial (2006), Post-Doctoral Internship in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2019 - current), Doctor in Biotechnology (RENORBIO) from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2018), Research line CNPq: Stem cells: cultivation and plasticity in animal models, Specialization in Global Postural Reeducation RPG/Reposturarse from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2009), Specialization in Higher Education Teaching from the State University of Piauí - UESPI (2011) , training in Microphysiotherapy, improvement in Manual Therapy at Scuola di Riabilitazione Marcel Bienfait (ITALY - MILAN/ROMA), President of the Research Ethics Committee CEP FACID|WYDEN (2015-2018), Academic Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Course (2015-2018) ), Academic Coordinator of the FACID|WYDEN Occupational Therapy Course (2016-2018). He is currently a professor at the Stricto Sensu Program (Master's) in Biotechnology and Basic Health Care (BABS) - UNIFACID, professor at the undergraduate course in Physiotherapy in the disciplines of Manual Articular Therapeutic Resources, Manual and Postural Therapeutic Resources, Craniomandibular Physiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy. Neuroanatomophysiology. Clinical experience in the area of ​​rehabilitation with an emphasis on spinal disorders, Global Postural Reeducation, Manual Therapy, Microphysiotherapy, CranioSacral Therapy and Neurological Physiotherapy.


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How to Cite

SILVA NETO, F. S. da .; CARVALHO, A. F. M. de .; SILVA, M. de A. . Mobile applications as a preventive strategy against the deleterious effects of the dementia process in the elderly. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 14, p. e262111436126, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i14.36126. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Review Article