Comparison study between Russian current and radiofrequency in abdominal flaccidity: Literature review




Abdominal flaccidity; Radio frequency; Russian chain.


Introduction: The skin is a biological component and main organ of the external environment and has a viscoelastic action with the property of being remodeled under pressure that operates against the tissue. Muscle flaccidity is due to an increase in muscle tone, with the muscle having less resistance. The handled is handled in the treatment of sagging cut, this resource produces the improvement of the skin by reconditioning the elasticity and the capacity of tension of the tissues generating an elevation of perfection. Russian current, made up of rectangular or sinusoidal, bipolar, symmetrical current pulse trains transmits a frequency of 2,500 hertz modulated by a wave that can alternate from 50 to 80 hertz. Objective: To observe the effectiveness of the use of radiofrequency comparing with the Russian current in improving abdominal flaccidity. Methodology: This is a bibliographic study with comparative articles between the selected bibliographic techniques. Results: selected were selected based on the words, and without the title in question, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and based on analysis which of the chosen techniques were the best. in the literature, they have several satisfactory results in relation to electrostimulation, as it improves the capacity of muscle function and describes the main objectives of the technique. Conclusion: It is concluded that the techniques are studies for abdominal flaccidity, however, there are still few recent studies on the techniques studied.


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO NETO, A. G. .; GOMES, A. de O. .; SOUSA, G. de C. .; SANTANA, I. R. J. .; SANDES, L. A. M. . Comparison study between Russian current and radiofrequency in abdominal flaccidity: Literature review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e255111638272, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38272. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences