Brazil’s Foreign Policy, the Environmental Agenda, and the Agribusiness Storylines




Brazil; Foreign Policy; Ruralists; Storylines; Discourse Analysis; Agribusiness; Environment protection.


This paper examines the agribusiness influence on Brazilian politics and how it has affected the country’s foreign policy agenda. The method used is discourse analysis. More specifically, we rely on Maarten Hajer’s concept of storylines, developed in his influential book The Politics of Environmental Discourse (1995). The purpose is to analyze how ruralist storylines, reshaped by the agribusiness lobby, has portrayed the Brazilian reality and how they were able to forge consensus about its controversial practices and questionable results. By uncovering how their discursive strategy was produced, we aim to verify which facts and arguments have selectively been exposed, and which ones have been excluded, or even shown in a distorted way. The main results show how these entrenched storylines have molded Brazil’s foreign policy.

Author Biographies

Bruna Eloy de Amorim, University of São Paulo

PhD Candidate at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo

Drielli Peyerl, University of Amsterdam; University of São Paulo

Researcher at the University of Amsterdam and

Researcher at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo.

Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, University of São Paulo

Associate Professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

AMORIM, B. E. de .; PEYERL, D.; SANTOS, E. M. dos . Brazil’s Foreign Policy, the Environmental Agenda, and the Agribusiness Storylines. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. e24812239959, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i2.39959. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences