Rural and sustainable development by Donna Haraway: A theoretical essay




Development; Sustainability; Rural; Cyborg; Donna Haraway.


The aim of this study is to understand sustainable development from the perspective of contemporary American philosopher Donna Haraway. The search for development permeates various segments, including social, environmental, educational, biological and technological. Through the concept of the cyborg, the theorist reflects the human being of contemporary times, a being who is no longer natural, but endowed with mechanisms and extensions, a subjective being. It is a socially constructed being and, as such, can be reconstructed in relations between humans and non-humans. The research points out that it is in collective action, in what Haraway calls response-ability, in collective accountability, that we will be able to achieve sustainable development. Cyborgs can play an important role in overcoming complex social issues such as machismo, capitalism, rural succession and the production process, given the way we treat the land, the biological nature of human and non-human beings, the way we produce and, consequently, the way we consume. The author presents an innovative vision in that she reflects on and theorises in a broad, complete and complex way about this new moment for humanity, the Anthropocene, with fragmented relationships that could lead us to an unsustainable world. It is in this new era with so many challenges that humans can rebuild themselves.

Author Biographies

Simone Cesario Soares, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Graduated in Philosophy (BA and BSc) - State University of Western Paraná (2006/2009); Graduated in ART (Artistic Education) - Claretian University Centre (2011); Graduated in PEDAGOGY - UNIFACVEST UNIVERSITY CENTRE (2020); Graduated in Literature - PROMINAS College (2024). Specialisation in: - Education in Human Rights, Diversity and Ethnic-Social, Racial Issues; Teaching and Interdisciplinarity; Environmental Education and Sustainability; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Food and Nutrition Education in Basic Education; Modern Education: methodologies, trends and focus on the student; School Management; Art Education (2009); Spanish Language; Art and Education (2023). Master's in Sustainable Rural Development - State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE); (2022). PhD student in Sustainable Rural Development - State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE). She is currently a teacher of Philosophy and Art, as part of the teaching staff of SEED - the Paraná State Department of Education.

Silvana Anita Walter, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Associate Professor at Unioeste. She currently works with the Business Administration Course, the Academic Master's in Accounting at the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE) and the Postgraduate Programme in Regional Development (PPGDRS). She was a lecturer on the Professional Master's Programme in Administration at Unioeste Campus Cascavel (2014-2017). She was a lecturer on the Postgraduate Programme in Administration (PPGAD) - Master's Degree in Administration - and the Postgraduate Programme in Accounting and Administration (PPGCC) - Doctorate in Accounting and Administration at the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Blumenau (SC) from 2010 to 2013. PhD in Business Administration from PUCPR - Curitiba. Master's in Business Administration: Modern Business Management from FURB - Blumenau (SC). Specialist and undergraduate in Business Administration from the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE). Works in the Teaching and Research in Accounting line of research (UNIOESTE). Professor of the Administration Course at the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), which she coordinated from 2015 to 2016 and 2017 to 2018, and is currently coordinating from 2022 to 2024. He has taught subjects in the Master's and Doctorate in Research Methods and Techniques, Qualitative Research Methodology and Organisational Strategies. He studies teaching and research in accounting and administration (theories, methodologies, teaching methods) and research based preferably on institutional theory and organisational strategy.

Eduardo Guedes Villar, IInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina

PhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) in 2019, with a doctoral internship (PDSE/CAPES) at Cass Business School, City University in London, UK. Master's in Business Administration from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB) in 2014. He graduated in Business Administration from the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC/ESAG) in 2006. He has two postdoctoral degrees in strategy and decision-making (2019-2021) from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (PNPD/CAPES). He is a member of the Strategy and Decision-Making Research Group at PPGADM/UFPR, the Strategizing: Social Practices and Processes Interinstitutional Research Group (CNPq), and the Sustainable Food Value Chains Laboratory (SfoodLab/UFPR). He is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina - IFSC. He has published articles in recognised national and international journals such as Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Review of Business Management, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, Revista de Administração de Empresas-RAE, Revista de Administração Contemporânea-RAC. His areas of expertise and interest are procedural and relational ontologies, sociology of organisations, theories of social practice, decision-making processes, strategy, performativity and radical innovations in the food production value chain.

Dirceu Basso, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal University of Pelotas (1988); Specialist in Municipal Planning and Environmental Quality from the State University of Western Paraná (2000); Master's Degree (2003) and PhD (2013) in Rural Development from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He is currently a Professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu-PR, working on the Undergraduate Programme in Rural Development and Food Security (DRUSA), He is a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Programme for the Master's Degree in Public Policy and Development (PPGPPD) at UNILA and a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Programme in Sustainable Rural Development (PPGDRS) at the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), for master's and doctoral degrees, under agreement 02-AC/2016 between UNILA and UNIOESTE. Member of the Research Groups: Observatory of Latin American Family Farming (Observatório AFLA); Regional Development and Latin American Integration; Interdisciplinary and Interinstitutional Group for Research and Extension in Sustainable Development. Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Orbis Latina: rationalities, development & frontiers. Studies with an emphasis on rural development, especially family farming, rationalities and co-operativism.


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How to Cite

SOARES, S. C. .; WALTER, S. A. .; VILLAR, E. G. .; BASSO, D. Rural and sustainable development by Donna Haraway: A theoretical essay . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. e9213245086, 2024. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v13i2.45086. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences