Gompertz growth model in poultry farming: some considerations
Asymptotic mass; Mathematical model; Modelling; Growth curve.Abstract
Poultry farming refers to an important agribusiness sector in Brazil. In recent years, numerous changes have occurred in the poultry sector, such as the use of technologies and the adoption of computer tools with varying degrees of complexity. Records of animal growth studies using mathematical models were yet described in the last century (XX). Thus, non-linear models like Gompertz have been used in studies of bird growth. In this context, this review aims to discuss non-linear models of growth, specifically the Gompertz model in poultry farming. The methodology adopted was the bibliographic study through documentary sources. Research findings indicated that in poultry farming the Gompertz model has been the most used. It was also found that the results obtained by the use of Gompertz in poultry farming provided forecasts of the growth of the birds. The studies using the Gompertz model pointed out that the information obtained has the potential to be applied to poultry production management decisions. It was concluded that the Gompertz model allows us to summarize information in specific points of the growth of the birds, therefore, with theoretical and practical applicability for interventions related to the feeding programs and also of management in the poultry breeding.
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