Mathematic Education in the Beginning Years Fundamental Education l: social representations of your protagonists and reflections in teaching and learning




Mathematics; Initial years; Social Representations; Pedagogues; Teaching-learning.


This research aimed to analyze the social representations on Mathematics of the early years of Elementary School I in the conceptions and beliefs of its main protagonists in the educational process. It also investigates their impact on teaching and learning. The theoretical perspective is focused on Serge Moscovici on the Theory of Social Representations and presents the current format of the mathematical formation assured in the courses of Pedagogy. The objective of the work was to map the social representation on Mathematics of researched students and teachers. The research problem was: can TRS explain the difficulties of its protagonists in teaching and learning the mathematical contents prescribed by the legal curriculum? Regarding the methodological framework, the research is anchored in the qualitative approach and procedures of phenomenological research, with 50 subjects participating in the research.  Among the results, the prevalence of negative social representations on Mathematics revealed by the research subjects stands out, as well as the fact that social representations on Mathematics are constructed and crystallized in the family, social, school and academic bosom. The lack of conceptual mastery of the contents of Mathematics in the initial years is noted in the teachers' discourse, which has an impact on the students' learning. Thus, it is concluded that there is an emergency in the deepening of studies in the initial formation in the courses of Pedagogy reading and study on TRS, aiming at improving learning and the results of large scale indicators.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, C. L.; PEREIRA, M. R. S. Mathematic Education in the Beginning Years Fundamental Education l: social representations of your protagonists and reflections in teaching and learning. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e237985335, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5335. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences