Asthma self-reporting, level of physical activity and other associated factors in brazilian adolescents




Asthma; Adolescent; Physical Activity.


To describe the distribution of asthma self-reporting and identify the associated factors in Brazilian schoolchildren, according to region and gender. This is a cross-sectional study using data from PeNSE 2015 Sample 1 (n = 95387). For the descriptive analysis, absolute and relative frequency measurements were used. To verify the factors associated with asthma in Brazilian adolescents, binary logistic regression was used, assuming the following hierarchical model: Sociodemographic Block: Sex, age, race; Environmental Block: Region, type of municipality; Behavioural Block: Tobacco consumption, level of physical activity, with the variable "did you ever have asthma in your life" being used as the endpoint, analysing the answer to the question "did you ever have asthma in your life? There was a higher prevalence of self-reported asthma episodes in females (51.7%), with a higher probability of self-reported asthma (OR=1.07; 95%CI 1.03-1.11) than in males. The non-resident population was 28% less likely to self-report asthma (OR=0.78; 95%CI = 0.75-0.80), and the non-asthmatic adolescent was 12% less likely to be active (OR=0.88; 95%CI = 0.85-0.91). The prevalence of self-reported episodes of asthma is lower for residents of the Midwest Region. However, it is higher among females, in adolescents living in the Brazilian state capitals, and asthma sufferers tend to be more active than their peers.

Author Biographies

Ruth Rosendo Costa Macedo dos Santos, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

He graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Sergipe (1991), specialized in HEALTH SYSTEMS AND SERVICES AUDITING from the Sergipe School of Business and Administration (2006) and specialized in WORK MEDICINE from the San Francisco University (1996). She is currently a WORK MEDICINE at the Federal University of Sergipe and an expert at the National Institute of Social Security. She has experience in the medical area.

Josiene de Oliveira Couto, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Graduated in Physical Education (Bachelor) from the Federal University of Sergipe, being a scholarship holder of the extension project "UFS on the move" and Scientific Initiation by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and scholarship holder of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES). Member of the Center for Research in Physical Fitness, Health and Performance of Sergipe (NUPAFISE).

Raphael Henrique de Oliveira Araujo, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

He has a degree in Physical Education from the State University of Feira de Santana (2018) and a Masters in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (2020). He currently participates in the Center for Research in Physical Fitness, Health and Physical Performance of Sergipe (NUPAFISE).

Davi Pereira Monte Oliveira, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Graduating in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Scientific initiation scholar at CNPq. He was a volunteer member of the Education Program for the Work in Health PET/SUS Interprofessionality. Currently participates in the Nucleus of Research in Physical Fitness, Health and Physical Performance of Sergipe (NUPAFISE).

Antônio Evaldo dos Santos, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

He has a degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (1997), a postgraduate degree in Exercise Physiology and Functional Morph Evaluation from Gama Filho University (2003). Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe, in the line of research: Physical Activity Related to Health and Quality of Life (2020). Member of the Center for Research in Physical Fitness, Health and Performance of Sergipe (NUPAFISE). He is currently a BASIC EDUCATION TEACHER QP, level 2P G - STATE SECRETARY OF EDUCATION, TEACHER level IIE40.E - MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF ARACAJU EDUCATION. Has experience in the area of Physical Education, with emphasis on Physical Education.

Ricardo Aurélio Carvalho Sampaio, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

Assistant Professor at the Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe (DEF/UFS). He holds a PhD in Physical Education from the Faculty of Physical Education of the State University of Campinas (DEAFA/FEF/UNICAMP); a Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the University of Kyoto, Japan (Title recognized as a Master's Degree in Physical Education by FEF/UNICAMP); and a Full Degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She develops research in partnership with national and international institutions in the area of Physical Activity and Health; Physical Activity for the elderly and special groups; Measures and evaluations; Quality of Life.

Roberto Jerônimo dos Santos Silva, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)

He has a degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (1997), a Masters in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2002) and a PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe (2012). He is an Associate Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and the Master's Degree in Physical Education at the Federal University of Sergipe. Coordinator of the Center for Research in Physical Fitness, Health and Physical Performance of Sergipe (NUPAFISE). He is the Tutor of the Multiprofessional Residency in Family Health (UFS). He has experience in the area of Physical Education, with emphasis on Cineanthropometry and Physical Activity related to health, working mainly on the following topics: Physical Activity and Health Promotion; Risk Behaviors and quality of life in children and adolescents, Quality of Life in the Elderly, Education and Health Promotion, Physical Activity Epidemiology.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, R. R. C. M. dos; COUTO, J. de O.; ARAUJO, R. H. de O. .; OLIVEIRA, D. P. M.; SANTOS, A. E. dos .; SAMPAIO, R. A. C.; SILVA, R. J. dos S. Asthma self-reporting, level of physical activity and other associated factors in brazilian adolescents. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e339997135, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.7135. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences