Kinetic parameters of the drying of cabbage stems in an electric oven




Agribusiness; Waste; Diffusivity; Leafy vegetables


The present study aimed to perform the kinetics of drying the cabbage stems in an electric oven and adjust mathematical models (empirical and diffusive) to the experimental data. The cabbage stems with a radius of 1.5 mm were submitted to the drying process in an electric oven (1200W) at temperatures of 50, 70 and 90 °C. Empirical mathematical models (Lewis, Handerson & Pabis and Page) and diffusive (boundary condition of the first type) were adjusted to the experimental data obtained. There was an increase in the values ​​of parameter “a” and a reduction of parameter “b” of the Page model when there was an increase in the drying temperature from 50 to 90 °C. The Lewis and Handerson & Pabis models did not show correlations of their parameters with the temperature used in the process. The Page model was the one that best fit the experimental data with a determination coefficient R2 above 0.99 and the lowest value of the chi-square function for all temperatures studied, mainly at 70 ºC. However, when the drying time was analyzed, the temperature of 90 ºC showed a reduction of 36.36% in relation to 70 ºC, resulting in the greatest effective diffusivity. It was observed that the first hours of drying were very effective in reducing large amounts of water. As a suggestion for future work, it is possible to carry out a physical, physical-chemical and technological characterization of the dehydrated material and to evaluate the influence of the process temperatures on these parameters.


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How to Cite

RIBEIRO, V. H. de A. .; SILVA, V. M. de A. .; MUNIZ, C. E. de S. .; SILVA, R. de A. .; EDUARDO, R. da S. .; LUIZ , M. R. .; MOTA, M. M. de A. .; DE ALMEIDA, M. M. .; ALMEIDA, R. L. J. .; SANTOS, N. C. Kinetic parameters of the drying of cabbage stems in an electric oven. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e8239108564, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8564. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 nov. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences