The practice of physical exercises among Medical students




Physical activity; Graduation; Benefits.


Introduction: Physical activity is essential for a healthy life, with benefits for physical and mental health. Sedentary lifestyle can have serious consequences on the individual's life, such as increased anxiety and worsening obesity, hypertension, and other conditions. Physical exercise is also a factor of psychological well-being, capable of relieving tension and controlling depressive feelings. However, with the entry into the university, mainly in the medical course, many students have less and less time dedicated to this practice. Objective: To identify the profile of physical activity practice of medical students at the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG) in relation to gender and the period studied. Methodology: Medical students were included in the sample, who answered two data collection instruments: I) Sociodemographic Questionnaire and II) International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ-SF). These questionnaires were applied by the researchers at the beginning and end of the second and third periods of the course, totaling four surveys. Results: Data analysis did not show statistical differences in gender classifications and between each period within the same sex. However, there was a decrease in the proportion of students in the level of activity "active" in contrast to the increase in the level "Irregularly active A" at the end of the school periods. Conclusion: Although considering the challenges faced during graduation, such as accumulation of activities and curricular requirements, there was no change in the pattern of physical exercise practice.


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, M. A. A. .; DOMINGOS, S. R. A. .; TROVÃO, C. B. A. .; LICERAS, J.; MARCOS, M. J. S. .; CARMELLO, L. do M.; BITTENCOURT, F.; SOARES, E. A. . The practice of physical exercises among Medical students . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e1471078899, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.8899. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.



Health Sciences