Facing the oncological patient in front of chemotherapy: nursing contributions





Nursing; Chemotherapy; Oncology.


Cancer occurs when the increase in body cells is out of control and consequently chemotherapy is one of the most used treatments for the systemic domain of the disease, since this alternative is becoming increasingly relevant in combating the disease in a unique way or combined, however, it is capable of causing the individual physical and emotional weakness in a great way. This is a bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, with the objective of describing the coping of cancer patients in the face of chemotherapy: nursing contributions. After the association of all descriptors, 151,280 articles were found, 151,266 were excluded and selected 14. In view of the nursing contributions, it is necessary to identify the fundamental particularities of each patient, for a comprehensive contribution and efficient therapeutic results. After reflective reading, two categories emerged: Nursing contributions to coping with oncology patients in the face of chemotherapy and Optics of the oncology patients in the face of chemotherapy. Nursing has a fundamental role in the face of the paradigms that permeate the confrontation of the individual affected by the oncological disease, since in most cases the patient primarily needs assistance support. It is concluded that it is extremely important to evaluate the main factors that can contribute to the suffering of cancer patients in the face of chemotherapy-based treatment, for better professional performance and quality of care provided to the patient.

Author Biography

Wanderson Alves Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense; Universidade Iguaçu

Enfermeiro. Mestre pelo Programa Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde pela Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa da UFF, Niterói/RJ. Pós-Graduando em Alta Complexidade com ênfase em CTI (UNIGRANRIO0; Saúde da Família (UNIRIO); Informática em Saúde (UNIFESP); Nefrologia Multidisciplinar (UFMA); Pediatria e Neonatologia (FAVENI); Enfermagem em Oncologia (IBRA); Gestão de Redes de Atenção à Saúde (FIOCRUZ); Enfermagem em Estomaterapia (UERJ). Professor Substituto no Departamento de Enfermagem Fundamental da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ. Docente do Curso de Graduação da UNIG e UCB. E-mail: nursing_war@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

FONSECA, R. A. .; DANIEL, E. S. .; RIBEIRO, W. A.; ALMEIDA, M. C. dos S. .; SOUZA, J. Z. dos S. .; CUNHA, V. S. B. da .; ALCOFORADO, G. K. S. M. .; SILVA, Érica S. da .; DUARTE, A. G. de M. . Facing the oncological patient in front of chemotherapy: nursing contributions. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. e22910312657, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i3.12657. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/12657. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences