Nutritional management with micronutrients and their effects on yield components in barley




Productivity; Mineral nutrition; Micronutrients.


In barley, nutritional deficiency, caused by micronutrient deficit, is a key factor that negatively affects its productivity. Among the micronutrients, Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B) are being widely studied to the detriment of plant growth, such as the quality of their product, which are favored by the balanced supply of these micronutrients. In this conception, the present work aimed to evaluate the application of zinc in the treatment of seeds and full skinrs and the application of boron via foliar fertilization, combined or not in barley culture in the Campos Gerais Region -PR. The design was randomized with 4 treatment levels and 4 replicates, whose plots will consist of 5 barley lines with 2 meters long and spaced by 0.45m, totaling 4.5m². The treatments were: control, Zn: application of zinc 4ml kg-1 via seed treatment and at the stage of full planret; B: leaf application of boron in stage R1; Zn + B: combined application of Zn and B. Grain yield (with corrected moisture for 13%), yield components (number of spikelets per plant, number of grains per plant, grain mass per plant and mass of thousand grains), plant height and physiological quality of seeds were evaluated. The isolated zinc and boron treatments increased grain yield and yield components for cultivar BRS Cauê. The physiological quality parameters were also higher for the zinc and boron treatments applied alone. Only for the weight of a thousand seeds zinc increased significantly. It was concluded that the application of zinc through seed treatment and full skinry, as well as the foliar application of boron provide higher yields and improvement in the physiological quality of barley seeds.


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How to Cite

PESSENTI, I. L.; TORRES, A. L. .; MARTINS, W. S. .; MACOSKI, N. . Nutritional management with micronutrients and their effects on yield components in barley. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. e30910313225, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i3.13225. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences