Socio-environmental impacts generated in leather leathering in the Semi-arid of Paraíba




Leather production; Waste generation; Environmental quality.


The activity of the leather tanning can cause serious damage in the physical, environmental and social spheres. This research proposed to identify the positive and / or negative impacts generated by processing the leather tanning in the District of Ribeira, in the municipality of Cabaceiras - Paraíba. To this end, the Miguel de Sousa Meira tannery in the district of Ribeira was chosen in view of its economic and social importance at the local level, as well as the potential for generating socio-environmental impacts. A radius of 1 km was defined around the cooperative, thus obtaining a total of 44 residences close to the enterprise. Furthermore, a questionnaire was applied, based on a semi-structured interview with the community surrounding the cooperative, the purpose of this instrument was to assess the population's perception of the socio-environmental impacts caused by this enterprise. The data were tabulated in an Excel 2019®️ spreadsheet and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. According to the results obtained, most of the interviewees pointed out that the production of leather tanneries had negative impacts, such as: excessive spending on water, soil contamination, in addition to deforestation of native species. In this context, the degree of proximity to the homes was a decisive factor in the classification of these impacts, mainly due to the bad smell and visual pollution that this activity caused.


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How to Cite

MEIRA, A. C. S.; ALMEIDA, R. de S.; BARBOSA, R. B. G.; SILVA, D. R. S.; LIMA, K. M. Álvares de; MOURA, L. B. Socio-environmental impacts generated in leather leathering in the Semi-arid of Paraíba. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e279101018894, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18894. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


