Agronomic performance of forage sorghum and millet grown under irrigation with saline water and nitrogen doses in the Brazilian semi-arid




Irrigation; Nitrogen fertilization; Forage production; Semi-arid.


The saline and water stresses are part of the main factors that limit agricultural production. In semi-arid regions, these stresses are potentiated due to high rates of evapotranspiration and low precipitation. However, the supply of water and nutrients via fertilization can favor the maximization of crop production. In this sense, aimed to evaluate the agronomic and nutritional performance of sorghum and millet, submitted to different irrigation blades and increasing nitrogen doses. The research was conducted at Academic Unit of Serra Talhada-PE. The experimental design was a randomized block, arranged in subdivided plots, with four replications, arranged in the 4 x 4 factorial scheme, referring to 4 irrigation blades (28%, 36%, 44%, 52% ETc) and 4 nitrogen doses (0, 100, 200, 300 kg ha-1), adopting the Sorghum + Millet system, being sorghum the main crop. Seeding was carried out on April 7, 2017, with an average of 14 plants per linear. The irrigation blades were based on the ETc (ETc = ETo x Kc of sorghum). Nitrogen fertilization consisted of 1/3 in sowing and 2/3 in covering. Ended each cycle crop, plant height, stem diameter were measured, the number of live leaves was counted, green and dry mass yield was estimated, N-total, Na+, K+ and Cl-  content were determined. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and variables adjusted to the regression model, using SAS Software. Nitrogen fertilization and irrigation with saline water benefited the growth of sorghum and millet crop. Nitrogen favors the absorption of N-total and potassium by plants and inhibited the absorption of chloride and sodium.


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How to Cite

ORESCA, D.; OLIVEIRA, A. C. de; SILVA, T. G. F. da .; PESSOA, L. G. M. .; SOUZA, J. C. G. de .; MACIEL, L. H. . Agronomic performance of forage sorghum and millet grown under irrigation with saline water and nitrogen doses in the Brazilian semi-arid. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e359101018976, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18976. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences