The Dental Surgeon and suicidal behavior




Suicide; Dentists; Health personnel; Suicide attempted; Dental; Professional training.


Introduction: Suicide is a complex phenomenon that can be defined as self-inflicted violence. It's a public health problem. The dentist, having a bond with his patients, may be the first to witness the signs of suicidal behavior. Objective: to describe the conduct of the dental surgeon in face of suicidal behavior. Methods: This is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Data collection took place through a Whatsapp group, entitled “Dentistas de Divinópolis”. The contact was made through a message sent in the private of each member. The message had an explanation of the project and a link to access the research. Results: 77 professionals participated in this research. Of the 77, 51.9% were male, 68.8% were married or in a stable relationship and 80.5% declared themselves white. 66.2% had specialization, 83.1% worked in the private sector, 39.0% had up to 5 years of training and 96.1% had never received training on the subject. 54.5% were trained under the perspective of the new DCN. A difference was found between single/divorced and married in the Right to Suicide factor. Singles/divorced people have the most moral judgment on this issue.  Conclusions: This work becomes relevant since the QUACS is used for the first time with dentists. This is a nationally unprecedented survey related to suicide and the dentist. It is believed that this study will bring a new look to this professional training, as well as a change in the look of the context of suicidal behavior.


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How to Cite

BREZOLINI, N. M. R. M.; BOTTI, N. C. L. . The Dental Surgeon and suicidal behavior. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e593101120093, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.20093. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences