Environmental impact assessment of a tannery





Environmental impact assessment; Tannery; Environmental control measures.


The objective of this research is to classify the potential environmental impacts resulting from tanneries and suggest environmental control measures for such impacts. The methodology used consisted of surveys and bibliographic studies, through readings of scientific articles, books, manuals (Manual de Impactos Ambientales do Banco do Nordeste), Reports and Environmental Impact Studies, with the purpose of collecting information necessary for the identification and classification of the environmental impacts resulting from the implementation of tanneries. It becomes evident that the significant environmental impacts, whether positive or negative, resulting from all activities carried out at all stages of a project of a given enterprise, must be studied, in order to assess the environmental feasibility for the implementation from the project. The planning phase does not present significant environmental impacts and that the significant environmental impacts are more observed in the implementation phase of the enterprise. The environmental factors: soil and water resources, as well as the biotic factors fauna and flora had a lot of significant negative impacts. Of the 38 impacts identified, 32 were considered significant, of these 29 were considered negative, 3 were considered positive and 6 were considered not significant.

Author Biography

Caio Franklin Vieira de Figueiredo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

He is currently studying for a Doctorate in Process Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, Master in Environmental Process Development at the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP, Specialization in Work Safety Engineering at the Integrated Faculties of Patos - FIP, Bachelor of Engineering Environmental by Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba - FPB, Degree in Biological Sciences [TEACHER TRAINING FOR BASIC EDUCATION] by Faculdade de Educação Paulistana - FAEP and Technician in Agribusiness by the National Service for Rural Learning - SENAR/PB. He has teaching experience in Bachelor's Degree courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Administration and CST - Higher Education Course in Occupational Safety Technology. Other significant experiences in Lato sensu postgraduate studies as a professor in the following courses: Specialization in Renewable Energies, Work Safety Engineering, Construction Management and MASTER BIM and Paving of Roads and Highways. Interested in topics related to Engineering and Environment, with an emphasis on: Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources, Water Resources, Solid Waste Management and Civil Construction Waste, Environmental Biotechnology, Bioproducts, Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Modeling of environmental systems and safety engineering at work. Email address: Caiovieirafigueiredo@gmail.com


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How to Cite

MONTEIRO , A. O. .; FIGUEIREDO, C. F. V. de .; SOUSA , G. de M. .; FORMIGA , A. C. de S. .; OLIVEIRA , F. F. D. de .; OLIVEIRA, P. A. T. de .; NASCIMENTO, R. R. A. .; LEITE , A. C. N. .; LEITE , J. C. A. . Environmental impact assessment of a tannery. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e0211828584, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.28584. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/28584. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


