Care management for patient safety in the operationg room: contributions from nurses




Health Management; Safety Management; Surgicenters; Patient Safety; Nurses; Health teaching.


Objective: to investigate the scientific evidence about the contributions of nurses in care management aligned with patient safety in the operating room. Method: integrative review, carried out online in January 2021, in four databases in the Virtual Health Library, with the controlled descriptors “Management”, “Surgical Center”, “Patient Safety” and “Nurse”. Results: they were summarized in three categories Organization of work in the Surgical Center and Patient Safety; Surgical environment and risk factors to Patient Safety; Actions developed by nurses for safe care management. Conclusion: the management of surgical care requires knowledge of the characteristics of each surgical procedure, in addition to the articulated and engaged work of the multidisciplinary team. The safe surgery checklist is the most adopted tool and the nurse is one of the main responsible for its application.

Author Biographies

Sabrina Viegas Beloni Borchhardt, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse. Master's student at the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG Member of the Nursing and Health Ecosystem Management Research Group.

Sidiane Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande

Nurse, Doctoral Student in Nursing at the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG.

Sérgio Maurício Souza e Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse, Master's Student in Nursing at the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG.

Member of the Nursing and Health Ecosystem Management Research Group.

Adriane Medeiros Calvette, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Doctor in Nursing. Assistant nurse at the Hospital Escola Federal University of Pelotas.

Member of the Nursing and Health Ecosystem Management Research Group.

Rosiane Filipin Rangel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Doctor in Nursing, Teaching Nurse at the Federal University of Pelotas-UFPel

Member of the Nursing and Health Ecosystem Management Research Group.

Hedi Crecencia Heckler de Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse, PhD in Nursing, Federal University of Rio Grande/Postgraduate Program in Nursing (FURG/PPGEnf), Rio Grande, RS, Brazil.

Leader of the Nursing and Health Ecosystem Management Research Group.


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How to Cite

BORCHHARDT, S. V. B. .; RODRIGUES, S. .; SILVA, S. M. S. e; CALVETTE, A. M.; RANGEL, R. F.; SIQUEIRA, H. C. H. de. Care management for patient safety in the operationg room: contributions from nurses. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. e25711629075, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i6.29075. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences