Influence of seasonality on hematological parameters of farmed streaked prochilod (Prochilodus lineatus)
Prochilodus lineatus; Hematology; Seasonal variation; Reference interval.Abstract
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of seasonality on the hematological aspects of juvenile farmed Prochilodus lineatus, to highlight the changes caused by seasonal variations and to develop reference intervals appropriate for each season. The study of the hematological parameters of farmed species has showed the mechanisms of adaptation to environmental variations, both in the natural environment and in production systems, allowing discernment of the differences between physiological and pathological reactions. Among the environmental factors, temperature and day length are recognized as a key factor in promoting changes in fish physiology, which can be reflected in hematological parameters. The present study analyzed the hematological parameters of juveniles of farmed streaked prochilod (Prochilodus lineatus) considering seasonal features such as temperature and day length, to highlight the changes caused by seasonality and the mechanisms involved in adaptation, and thus, elaborate reference intervals for each season. We found that seasonality has a significant impact on the hematological parameters of juvenile specimens of farmed streaked prochilod (Prochilodus lineatus), as it promotes changes in hematimetry, hemoglobinometry, white blood cells count and in the prevalence of leukocyte types. These findings demonstrate the importance of establishing reference intervals for farmed species, considering the factors responsible for physiological modifications, especially seasonal features.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniele Mello Cunha; Flávia Aline Andrade Calixto; Rodrigo Takata; Ana Carolina Belo Portugal; Gabriela Ramalho Falbo Cataldo Martins; Silvio Akira Uehara; Ana Beatriz Monteiro Fonseca; Eliana de Fátima Marques de Mesquita; Nádia Regina Pereira Almosny
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