The importance of music in child development




Child education; Human development; Song.


Music is very rich in numerous aspects for moving and awakening the human being to experience knowledge, expression and socialization in learning. In Early Childhood Education, music can favor discoveries that facilitate the development and training process. In this perspective, the present study aims to: reflect on the contributions of music in child development. Therefore, the following specific objectives are outlined: Identify the evolution of the profile of music in the history of the human being and list the main contributions of music in human development, specifically for the child. The bibliographic research is anchored in the studies of some theorists such as RCNEI, Freire, Brito, Alencar, Ferreira among others. It is hoped that these reflections serve as a motivation for other researchers to expand these discussions and/or bring new aspects about what is relevant and productive in pedagogical methodologies in early childhood education.

Author Biography

Caio Franklin Vieira de Figueiredo, Faculdade de Educação Paulistana; Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

He is currently studying for a Doctorate in Process Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, Master in Environmental Process Development at the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP, Specialization in Work Safety Engineering at the Integrated Faculties of Patos - FIP, Bachelor of Engineering Environmental by Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba - FPB, Degree in Biological Sciences [TEACHER TRAINING FOR BASIC EDUCATION] by Faculdade de Educação Paulistana - FAEP and Technician in Agribusiness by the National Service for Rural Learning - SENAR/PB. He has teaching experience in Bachelor's Degree courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Administration and CST - Higher Education Course in Occupational Safety Technology. Other significant experiences in Lato sensu postgraduate studies as a professor in the following courses: Specialization in Renewable Energies, Work Safety Engineering, Construction Management and MASTER BIM and Paving of Roads and Highways. Interested in topics related to Engineering and Environment, with an emphasis on: Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources, Water Resources, Solid Waste Management and Civil Construction Waste, Environmental Biotechnology, Bioproducts, Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Modeling of environmental systems and safety engineering at work. Email address:


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How to Cite

CARNEIRO , F. P. .; MEDEIROS , I. V. .; FIGUEIREDO, C. F. V. de .; SOUSA, G. de M. .; OLIVEIRA , M. da C. .; OLIVEIRA , F. F. D. de .; BEZERRA JUNIOR , E. .; MONTEIRO , A. O. . The importance of music in child development. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 14, p. e353111435464, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i14.35464. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Teaching and Education Sciences