Nurses perception about the use of laryngeal mask in the intra-hospital service




Laryngeal mask; Difficult airway; Nursing; Supraglottic devices.


The laryngeal mask (ML) is a supraglottic device that has its use indicated in difficult airway management situations, but which is currently more used in surgical procedures by anesthesiologists; however, its use can also be through the properly trained nurse professional, which is regulated by COFEN Resolution No. 641/2020. The use of the laryngeal mask by nurses is still little experienced in pre- and intra-hospital care, but has been increasing in recent years. The main objective of this research was to identify the nurses' knowledge about legislation, training, indications and contraindications about the use of the laryngeal mask in emergency situations in the intra-hospital service. A questionnaire of questions and answers related to knowledge about current legislation regulating the use of the laryngeal mask by the nurse was applied, in which situations is indicated and against indicated and whether or not the professional has the training to do so. This research was conducted with 10 (ten) nurses who have been working in the service for more than one year and who have not been away during this period. During the data analysis, it was observed that most professionals did not have training for the use of ML, few knew about the legislation, but the vast majority knew how to describe situations in which its use would be indicated and some contraindications. We conclude that the nursing professional is still very limited to medical practice, being of fundamental importance the search for training and thus increasing their autonomy and consequently providing an even greater quality of care to the patient.

Author Biography

Paula Michele Lohmann, Universidade do Vale do Taquari



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How to Cite

KUNZ, R. A. .; LOHMANN, P. M.; BAIOCCO, G. G. .; MARCHESE, C. . Nurses perception about the use of laryngeal mask in the intra-hospital service . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e217111638098, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38098. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences