Carton packages waste recovery by pyrolysis: a bibliometric study




VOSviewer; CiteSpace; Pyrolysis; Carton packages.


Bibliometric analysis is a method that possible to quantitatively evaluate academic production through the analysis of existing documents. This article aimed to analyze the characteristics of publications related to the theme of carton packages waste recovery through pyrolysis. The research was carried out in the Web of Science (WOS) database of Clarivate Analytics. Initially, a search was made for articles that contain the word “Pyrolysis” in its topic, subsequently the articles were refined by adding the term “Carton Packages” and “Tetra Pak”. To perform the analyzes, the tool “Analyze results” was used provided by the Web of Science (WOS), allowing to generate information related to the number of publications, countries, research areas and types of publications, in addition to the VOSviewer and CiteSpace software enabling the creation of networks for organization co-authorship, country co-authorship, author co-authorship, reference co-citation, journal co-citation and keyword co-occurrence and finally, a SWOT Matrix (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was performed. From the term “Pyrolysis” 101.368 publications were found, 8.974 of which were in the last year. Among the countries with the largest number of publications on the topic can highlight China and the United States. Adding the terms “Carton Packages” and “Tetra Pak”, 23 publications were found, the largest number being found in the year 2018. In addition, Brazil is the country with the largest number of publications. This shows that in recent years, numerous researches have been carried out on the theme carton packages waste recovery through Pyrolysis, with the objective of improving the efficiency of the processes and allowing expanding the production scales. The increase in interest is due to the need to search solutions to reduce the environmental impact and management of solid waste, caused by its inadequate disposal. Furthermore to the economic point of view, enabling the generation of products with high added value.


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How to Cite

MANTEGAZINI, D. Z.; XAVIER, T. P.; BACELOS, M. S. Carton packages waste recovery by pyrolysis: a bibliometric study. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. e144973827, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.3827. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Review Article