The risks of self-medication in the elderly affected by coronaviruses and other respiratory syndromes


  • Paulo Sérgio da Paz Silva Filho INCURSOS
  • Rafael Everton Assunção Ribeiro da Costa Universidade Estadual do Piauí
  • Isadora Alencar da Silva Andrade Centro Universitário Uninovafapi
  • Francisco Wagner dos Santos Sousa Universidade Estadual do Piauí
  • José de Siqueira Amorim Júnior Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Armando Soares Cavalcante Neto Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho
  • Maria Divina dos Santos Borges Farias Centro de Ensino Unificado de Teresina
  • Berlanny Christina de Carvalho Bezerra Centro Universitário Uninovafapi
  • Isadora Lima de Souza Centro Universitário Inta (UNINTA)
  • André Luiz de Oliveira Pedroso Centro Universitário Inta (UNINTA)
  • Gleyciane Ribeiro dos Santos Cordeiro Centro Universitário do Planalto do Distrito Federal- UNIPLAN
  • Jardiel Marques Soares Universidade Potiguar
  • Verônica Lorrânny Lima Araújo Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho
  • Cryshna Leticia Kirchesch Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Eduarda Lorena Alves da Cunha Estácio de Castanhal
  • Cibelle de Sousa e Silva Universidade Estadual do Piauí



Risk; Old man; Self-medication; Coronavirus and Respiratory syndrome.


The present study aimed to describe the main risks of self-medication in elderly people affected by coronavirus and other respiratory syndromes. The present study is an exploratory research of the literature review type. For the development of this review, the following steps were taken: 1) definition of the theme and formulation of the guiding question, 2) establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 3) definition of descriptors, 4) pre-selection of articles, 5) evaluation studies (interpretation of results) and 6) presentation of the review. The searches were carried out between February and April 2020, using the Scielo, Science Direct, Google scholar and PubMed databases, with the time frame from 2016 to 2020. The descriptors used, in an associated and isolated way, were: Risk, Elderly, Self-medication, Coronavirus and Respiratory syndrome, in English, Spanish and Portuguese and indexed in DeCS. Within the searches, 488 articles were found; however, after the exclusion of duplicate findings (161), unavailable in full (77) and incomplete (138), they were restricted to 112 works, these were read individually by the researchers. At the end of the analysis, 16 articles were used in the review, which had the descriptors included in the theme and / or summary and were included because they best fit the proposed objective. Self-medication requires special attention in the elderly, as this age group presents a greater risk of drug interactions, with a possible increase in adverse reactions to medications, thus being able to cause complications to patients, mainly due to the typical changes in the aging process.


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How to Cite

SILVA FILHO, P. S. da P.; COSTA, R. E. A. R. da; ANDRADE, I. A. da S.; SOUSA, F. W. dos S.; AMORIM JÚNIOR, J. de S.; CAVALCANTE NETO, A. S.; FARIAS, M. D. dos S. B.; BEZERRA, B. C. de C.; SOUZA, I. L. de; PEDROSO, A. L. de O.; CORDEIRO, G. R. dos S.; SOARES, J. M.; ARAÚJO, V. L. L.; KIRCHESCH, C. L.; CUNHA, E. L. A. da; SILVA, C. de S. e. The risks of self-medication in the elderly affected by coronaviruses and other respiratory syndromes. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. e458974211, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.4211. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Review Article