A ética nos Institutos Federais: uma análise das ações educativas das comissões setoriais na região nordeste do Brasil





Ethics; Educational actions; Public service; Federal Institution.


This research aims to analyze the educational and preventive actions developed by the Federal Institutes’ (FIs) Sectoral Ethics Commissions (EC) from Brazil's Northeastern, in the years of 2020 and 2021. It presents a qualitative approach, with descriptive and analytical objectives, developed through bibliographic and documentary research. The research apprehended the ECs institutionalized in 9 states of Brazilian Northeast Region, in which 11 Federal Institutions were investigated. As the research instruments, we organized a specific guideline to analyze documents and a structural-analytical framework. The technique of documentary analysis consisted on the dialogue between the regulatory devices that found the theme and the information contained in the respective codes and action plans, focusing on the educational and preventive actions that are planned and executed by the sectoral ECs. This work verified the primary need for promotion and update of the ECs’ information (structure, composition, code of ethics and action plans) in the institutional websites of the investigated FIs, facilitating the knowledge accessibility by the employees, students and people in general. Another restricting factor for the research was that we only verified three Codes of Ethics, a document of unquestionable importance for the ECs, because it is the guiding instrument of this commission’s whole work. Finally, we conclude stating that the four institutes’ (IFAL, IFMA, IF Sertão PE and IFRN) educational and preventive actions, analyzed by the present research, fulfill their role by guiding, conducting and promoting education and ethical behavior, spreading fundamental values and principles in the public service.

Author Biographies

D’avilly Soanny da Silva Rocha Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão

Has a Technician in Agribusiness at the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA), Buriticupu campus. He was a scholarship student of the Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC High School 2021-2022, CNPq quota). Young researcher of the project "Ethics in the Federal Institutes: An Analysis of the educational actions of the Sectorial Commissions in the Northeast Region".

Raffaelle Andressa dos Santos Araujo, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão

Teacher of Physical Education at IFMA in the campus of Buriticupu, PIBIC Coordinator/Mentor in Secondary School (by CNPq), Leader of the Research Group Rede PROEF/IFMA (IFMA’s Network of Physical Education’s Professors)

Marta Mellicia da Silva dos Reis, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão

Currently, studying the technician in administration, in the federal institute of education, science and technology of Maranhão, in the campus Buriticupu. A young researcher with a scholarship from the scientific initiation program (PIBIC high school 2022-2023, CNPq quota). With the project "Ethics in the Federal Institutes of the Southeast Region: an analysis of the educational actions of the sectorial commissions".


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, D. S. da S. R. .; ARAUJO, R. A. dos S.; REIS, M. M. da S. dos . A ética nos Institutos Federais: uma análise das ações educativas das comissões setoriais na região nordeste do Brasil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 6, p. e29812642406, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i6.42406. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/42406. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences