The influence of atopic dermatitis on children's lives




Atopic dermatitis; Dermatological diseases; Pediatrics.


Atopic dermatitis influences the psychological, neurological and social spheres, involving the patient, family and school because it generates symptoms that interfere negatively in the child's life. Objective: to identify the influence of atopic dermatitis on the child's life. Methodology: the searches were carried out in two bibliographic databases - PubMed and Scielo. Articles written in English and Portuguese, published from January 1985 to December 2016, were selected, related to: atopic dermatitis in the age group from 0 to 16 years. Results: children with atopic dermatitis develop less general daily activities than children without the pathology, as well as, have difficulty being alone, cry excessively, are more nervous, irritated, unhappy, more worried, insecure and have low self -esteem. Research has shown that the number of children who reported sleep interference is high and that the prevalence of attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, conduct disorders and autism has been significantly increasing in children with atopic dermatitis. Conclusions: atopic dermatitis is a socially and psychologically relevant dermatosis, involving the patient, family and school in factors that, if not worked properly, generate considerable future consequences in the neurological, psychological and social spheres, harming the child's well-being and development.

Author Biographies

Andressa Zanandréa, Hospital Infantil Seara do Bem

Possui graduação em medicina pela Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (2014). Residência em Pediatria Geral pelo Hospital Infantil Seara do Bem (2017). Especialização em Alergia e Imunologia pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (2019). 

Jarbas Franceschi, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense

Acadêmico do curso de Medicina da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC

Patrícia Alves de Souza, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense

Possui graduação em Farmácia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1996), mestrado em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003) e doutorado em Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2010). Atualmente é farmacêutica - Secretaria do Estado de Saúde, professora da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense e preceptora - Programa de Residência Médica em Pediatria Hospital Infantil Seara do Bem. Tem experiência na área de Farmácia, com ênfase em Farmácia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: violência contra a mulher, mulher, fitoterápicos, epistemologia e álcool.


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How to Cite

ZANANDRÉA, A.; FRANCESCHI, J.; SOUZA, P. A. de. The influence of atopic dermatitis on children’s lives. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e99985170, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5170. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences