Nurses on the front line of the combat to COVID-19: professional health and user assistance




Nursing; COVID-19; Health.


Introduction: The infection caused by the new Coranavirus shows great relevance worldwide. Evidence emerged of the need for greater understanding of the relationship between the current pandemic, the biopsychosocial health of nurses and the quality of care. Objective: To identify the conditions imposed by the pandemic on the professional, focusing on perceiving the interference in care for the suspected or confirmed user for COVID-19. Methodology: This is an Integrative Literature Review. In order to compose the search, the Virtual Health Library was used. After applying the selection criteria, five articles were selected to design the study. Results: Sufficient data emerged that point to the high flow of care faced by nurses, the need for greater technical and scientific knowledge and practice or the generation of new skills, as well as the risk of contamination, transmission to themselves and family members, generating consequences on the dynamics of care. Final considerations: Current conditions directly influence professional health and quality of care. Planning is necessary for the frontline professional to maintain his biopsychosocial health in order to preserve assistance based on the principles of humanization.

Author Biographies

Matheus de Oliveira Silva, Estacio de Sa University.

Nursing Student at Estácio de Sá University (UNESA), through the University for All Program (PROUNI), scheduled to end in 2020.2. Currently participate as a researcher at the Nursing Research Center of Nova Iguaçu (NUPENIG) in the research line "Nursing without care in Child and Adolescent Health".

Antonio da Silva Ribeiro, Estacio de Sa University.

Graduated in Nursing, currently working in management, teaching and research scenarios. Coordinate the Municipal Tuberculosis Control Program in the municipality of Itaguaí, where I was Director of Nursing at the General Hospital of the Municipality, effective member of the CCIH, coordination of the Surgical Center, Sterilization and Medical X Surgical, coordinator of the Hypertension and Diabetes program, Immunization Program Coordinator; Professor of Undergraduate Nursing, Pedagogy and Physiotherapy Courses Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Duque de Caxias, completed in Dec / 2016 Has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Public Health, Teaching the discipline of Infectious Diseases for the course of nursing, collective health and management of basic care, medical-surgical, critical patient and emergency, having mastery of several contents of practices, showing himself capable and efficiently in the development of pedagogical actions in nursing education in general and in public health in the multidisciplinary universe. Postgraduate Document in Family Health, Auditing, Neonatology, Pediatrics, Health Management, Obstetrics and Intensive Care Specialist in Public Health, Sanitary Pulmonology, Professional Education in Health and Master in Public Health at EEAN / UFRJ, PhD in Nursing and Biosciences by EEAP / UNIRIO.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. de O.; RIBEIRO, A. da S. Nurses on the front line of the combat to COVID-19: professional health and user assistance. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e172985241, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5241. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences