Prevalence of low back pain in patients with lower limb amputation treated at a rehabilitation center in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS (BR)




Low back pain; Amputation; Cross-sectional studies; Epidemiology.


Introduction: individuals with lower limb amputation present significant biomechanical changes, with consequent increase in the probability of developing some musculoskeletal disorder. Objective: to verify the prevalence of low back pain (DL) in lower limb amputees treated at a rehabilitation referral center in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. Methods: cross-sectional study with 37 lower limb amputees aged 20 to 87 years. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire related to the presence and characteristics of low back pain, demographic and socioeconomic aspects, static and dynamic balance evaluation, presence or absence of iliopsoas muscle shortening and anthropometric measurements. Results: the prevalence of DL was 46% (95% CI: 29.1% - 62.8%) and the main associated factors were amputation time and iliopsoas shortening. Conclusion: there was a high prevalence of DL among amputees, being associated with amputation time and the presence of iliopsoas shortening, reinforcing the importance of these aspects for the planning of preventive actions and assistance to amputees.


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How to Cite

SCHINAIDER , A. P. S.; GARCEZ, A.; SANT´’ANNA , P. C. F. Prevalence of low back pain in patients with lower limb amputation treated at a rehabilitation center in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS (BR). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e866998004, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.8004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences