Biochar and phosphate fertilization under soil fertility and initial development of conilon coffee clonal seedlings




Plant nutrition; Coffee crop; Biomass.


The association between organic sources, such as biochar, with phosphate fertilization, improves the efficiency of P, reducing its adsorption. This work aimed to determine the influence of biochar and phosphorus on soil fertility, nutrition and vegetative growth of conilon coffee seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a factorial assay (2x2x3). Being factor A: two conilon coffee clones (C - 120 and C - 199); factor B: two doses of biochar (0 and 40 t ha-1) and factor C: two sources of phosphorus (single superphosphate-SFS and triple superphosphate-SFT) and a control treatment without biochar and without P fertilization. Completely randomized design (DIC) was adopted, with twelve treatments and eight replications, each experimental unit consisting of a 5L pot with a seedling. The work was carried out in a greenhouse with daily manual irrigation. The following were evaluated monthly: seedling height, stem diameter and number of leaves. After 6 months, shoot and root dry matter production was evaluated. With these data, leaf gain, absolute gain in height, absolute gain in diameter, rate of growth in height, rate of diameter growth and total dry matter were calculated. To evaluate the nutrition of the plants, the levels of macronutrients present in the leaves were determined, to evaluate the fertility of the soil, the levels of macronutrients were determined and from these data the sum of exchangeable bases, effective CEC and base saturation were calculated. Simple superphosphate (SFS) is the most efficient phosphate fertilizer to produce conilon coffee seedlings when a dose of 250 kg ha-1 of P2O5 is used. The application of SFS provided the greatest increments in plant height and leaf area, the same effect was observed in leaf nutrients. Biochar has specific effects on some soil nutrients by increasing N and Mg levels and decreasing potential acidity in the soil. And an increase in the nitrogen content in the plant was also observed, but it did not influence the growth of the seedling. There was a synergistic effect of biochar-SFS and biochar-SFT to increase the levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, and consequently, it has the ability to increase the sum of bases, effective CTC and base saturation. The most suitable genotype to produce seedlings in a greenhouse in Manaus was the clone BRS Ouro Preto C-120.


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How to Cite

CASTRO, W. C. de .; DIAS JUNIOR, L. .; SANTOS, . J. S. P. .; SILVA, T. M. P. e .; SANTOS, R. C. dos .; COUTINHO, P. W. R. .; OLIVEIRA, D. M. de .; TICONA-BENAVENTE, C. A. .; FALCÃO, N. P. de S. . Biochar and phosphate fertilization under soil fertility and initial development of conilon coffee clonal seedlings. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e56111637431, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.37431. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 may. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences