Avaliação comparativa de diferentes configurações de barreira para redução de ruído de subestação elétrica por simulação acústica





Subestação; Mitigação de ruído; Análise sonora; Mapa acústico; Barreiras acústicas.


From an analytical study related to an electric power substation, a computational model for acoustic simulation was developed, which made it possible to verify the sound pressure behavior in the regions adjacent to it. With the objective of mapping changes in the level of sound pressure, thus enabling checks related to the operation of acoustic barriers. The model was calibrated based on data from experimental measurements linked to the transformers present in the substation and the values measured around the substation. With that, four different types of acoustic barriers were tested, in which their respective top geometries were changed. From then on, variations in vertical and horizontal sound dispersion were examined, in addition to the noise level in the homes and buildings neighboring the substation. According to the simulation of the different variations and barrier configurations, reduction values from 3 dB to 17 dB were found. Finally, the possible difficulties for the practical implementation of each barrier configuration were indicated.


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Como Citar

SILVA, M. da .; SETTI, A.; LANGARO, D. D. .; ISRAEL, C. L.; ZANELLA, G. C. .; LIMA, D. W. de C.; TARRAGO, R. A.; PALUDO, L. H. Avaliação comparativa de diferentes configurações de barreira para redução de ruído de subestação elétrica por simulação acústica. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e8710615339, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15339. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/15339. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.


