Herbal medicines for treating HIV infection and AIDS: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Meta-análise; HIV; Plantas medicinais; Contagem CD4 ; Fitoterápicos; Terapia anti-retroviral.Resumo
The present meta-analysis evaluated the use of medicinal plants, phytotherapics and/or phytopharmaceuticals associated or not to antiretroviral therapy, using as primary outcome the lymphocyte count, and, among which, the CD4+ count. Studies were considered eligible for the present systematic review if they comprised the following criteria: randomized clinical trials using as intervention medicinal plants, phytotherapics, and/or phytopharmaceuticals associated or not with antiretroviral therapy. The search strategy included terms related to the intervention (medicinal plants, medicinal plants extracts, phytotherapics, and/or phytopharmaceuticals associated or not with antiretroviral therapy), to the primary outcome (in which was verified if there was a decreasing in lymphocytes, among which CD4+ cells), as well as terms that were used to improve sensitivity in a search for clinical trials. From 2.747 records of potential relevance identified on the databases, remaining two eligible randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials. The present systematic review and meta-analysis showed on the forest plot that there was no difference between control and intervention groups when the two included studies were taken into consideration.
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